00:04:12 |
Is this a bug?????? (David Jenkins) |
00:05:21 |
Re: GCC optimization option "-O3" buggy ? (Ove Kaaven) |
00:39:41 |
Lighting Techniques (Chris) |
00:49:46 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother (Sly) |
00:51:12 |
Re: CIN, COUT (George Foot) |
01:04:01 |
Re: AVOID -fforce-addr (Benjamin D Chambers) |
01:05:40 |
Re: Loop unrolling: What is it? (Benjamin D Chambers) |
01:05:43 |
Re: Allegro.h to GNU Pascal unit conversion? (Benjamin D Chambers) |
01:05:53 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother (Benjamin D Chambers) |
01:06:08 |
Re: CLARIFICATION about UNIVBE: (Benjamin D Chambers) |
01:06:10 |
Troubleshooting: There were some errors... (Mike Orbinpost) |
01:06:13 |
Re: gcc help compiling??? (John M. Aldrich) |
01:06:18 |
Re: Some Allegro questions (Shawn?) (Peter Monks) |
01:06:31 |
Re: Bug in Allegro? Something strange is happening... (George Foot) |
01:06:52 |
Re: GCC can't find the INCLUDE files. (Ed de Saegher) (David Jenkins) |
01:07:40 |
Re: quick malloc question (Benjamin D Chambers) |
01:09:28 |
Re: c.o.m.djgpp retro-moderated? (Michael Phelps) |
01:28:40 |
gcc help compiling??? (Robert Babula) |
01:50:15 |
Re: [Q] What #defines for cross-platform (Erik Max Francis) |
01:52:27 |
Re: malloc help (Erik Max Francis) |
02:41:02 |
CIN COUT (Brian) |
02:42:22 |
10000 Celebrity Nudes at www.nude-celebs.com (nuddesta@wstarztv.net) |
02:42:35 |
Re: CIN COUT (Brian) |
03:06:30 |
Re: DirectX ----> OpenGL (Ove Kaaven) |
03:08:24 |
Re: E-Mailbox filled (Dim Zegebart) |
03:54:42 |
Re: MOD, S3M, XM Support? (Nigel Taylor) |
04:19:24 |
RE: neural network code (Robert Humphris) |
04:41:57 |
Re: CIN, COUT (Miguel Murillo) |
04:56:30 |
RE: 10000 Celebrity Nudes at www.nude-celebs.com (Robert Humphris) |
05:30:08 |
MMX (Robert Humphris) |
05:35:57 |
Re: rhide project bug (Robert Hoehne) |
05:42:27 |
Re: Allegro 3D examples needed DESPERATLEY. (Brennan "The Rev. Bas" Underwood) |
05:44:20 |
OpenGL ----> Allegro (Robert Humphris) |
06:29:11 |
Re: DPMI dumb question #46-B (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:30:17 |
Re: Troubleshooting: There were some errors... (Robert Hoehne) |
06:30:43 |
Re: RHIDE window switching oddity (Robert Hoehne) |
06:31:28 |
Re: __djgpp_base_address (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:31:32 |
Re: [Q] What #defines for cross-platform (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:32:23 |
DPMI under win95, Help! (Allan Herriman) |
06:33:18 |
Re: IDE for NASM (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:34:31 |
Re: CIN COUT (Robert Hoehne) |
06:34:42 |
Re: AVOID -fforce-addr (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:35:31 |
Re: DPMI dumb question #46-B (George Foot) |
06:36:26 |
Re: E-Mailbox filled (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:36:59 |
Re: Another makefile question (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:44:30 |
Coblo compiler. (Gregary J Boyles) |
06:45:48 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother (nikki) |
06:46:26 |
Re: c.o.m.djgpp retro-moderated? (Brian Osman) |
06:55:33 |
Re: gcc hardware I/O on NT (Eli Zaretskii) |
06:57:06 |
Re: DPMI under win95, Help! (Eli Zaretskii) |
07:01:16 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct texture mapping (Eli Zaretskii) |
07:15:40 |
Re: Rhide can't fine help file on <F1> press (Dennis Moran) |
07:20:23 |
Re: quick malloc question (George Foot) |
07:26:55 |
lanmanager client for DOS - off topic (Christoph Kukulies) |
07:28:14 |
Re: IDE for NASM (Robert Hoehne) |
07:57:07 |
Collection of porn stars! (poeiru@eqqs.com) |
08:34:10 |
blank msgs from news@cygnus.com (Nigel Taylor) |
08:38:56 |
Re: quick malloc question (Tony O'Bryan) |
08:41:31 |
weird dosmemput problem (nikki) |
08:44:52 |
Re: Allegro and SB05_DJ2 problem (steve_chew@uk.ibm.com) |
08:47:03 |
Re: MOD, S3M, XM Support? (Tony O'Bryan) |
08:48:15 |
Re: free OS that can run djgpp (Tony O'Bryan) |
09:29:30 |
Re: Some Allegro questions (Shawn?) (Erroll Leggo) |
09:34:56 |
rhide project bug (CAPDEPON Arnaud) |
09:52:07 |
Re: Loop unrolling: What is it? (Sly) |
09:53:18 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct .. (fpu memcopy) (nikki) |
10:02:49 |
Re: free OS that can run djgpp (Christoph Kukulies) |
10:06:42 |
Re: bash script debugging (Chris A. Triebel) |
10:14:48 |
Re: DJGPP Structs (George Foot) |
10:19:05 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct .. (fpu memcopy) (Eli Zaretskii) |
10:30:09 |
Re: GCC can't find the INCLUDE files. (Ed de Saegher) |
10:34:37 |
Re: Some Allegro questions (Shawn?) (George Foot) |
10:37:45 |
Re: quick malloc question (Brian Osman) |
10:41:03 |
Re: weird dosmemput problem (Eli Zaretskii) |
10:52:41 |
Re: win32 programs with djgpp (Brian Osman) |
10:53:38 |
Re: fli/flc files.. (David Jenkins) |
11:32:43 |
Re: GCC compile ???? (Jean-Michel Brissiaud) |
11:39:00 |
RE: Collection of porn stars! (Robert Humphris) |
12:58:56 |
GCC compile ????? (J. van Eijnsbergen) |
12:59:16 |
GCC compile ???? (J. van Eijnsbergen) |
13:30:35 |
Re: MOD, S3M, XM Support? (Sly) |
13:31:03 |
Re: MOD, S3M, XM Support? (Petteri Kangaslampi) |
13:42:17 |
Floating Point vs. Fixed Point (Bryan Murphy) |
14:07:54 |
FAT Question. (Roberto Galan Fernandez.) |
14:32:51 |
Re: Troubleshooting: There were some errors... (Mike Orbinpost) |
15:04:09 |
Re: weird dosmemput problem (nikki) |
15:07:55 |
Re: c.o.m.djgpp retro-moderated? (Jesse Bennett) |
15:12:12 |
Re: __djgpp_base_address (Scott Fleischman) |
15:53:18 |
Re: IDE for NASM (Bill Currie) |
16:02:35 |
Re: neural network code (Mark T Logan) |
16:04:28 |
Re: blank msgs from news@cygnus.com (George Foot) |
16:06:28 |
memcpy in at&t (Mr P. Steele) |
16:08:06 |
Re: MOD, S3M, XM Support? (Guess) |
16:36:05 |
Re: MMX (Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)) |
16:38:04 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother (Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)) |
16:45:34 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct .. (fpu memcopy) (nikki) |
17:03:22 |
Seting up NT09C and RSXNT. (Scott Beasley) |
17:06:35 |
Re: Floating Point vs. Fixed Point (nikki) |
17:12:27 |
gettextinfo(), cprintf() question (W. L. Estes) |
17:14:28 |
Re: cross compiler (James Soutter) |
17:22:06 |
Re: Floating Point vs. Fixed Point (Tudor) |
17:22:19 |
bash-ing pipes :) (Bill Currie) |
18:02:04 |
Re: Another makefile question (George Foot) |
18:06:05 |
Re: DirectX ----> OpenGL (Jon Martin) |
18:12:12 |
Re: OpenGL ----> Allegro (Shawn Hargreaves) |
18:14:42 |
Re: [Q] What #defines for cross-platform (Jon A. Cruz) |
18:30:05 |
Re: Lighting Techniques (Shawn Hargreaves) |
18:31:55 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct texture mapping (Ove Kaaven) |
18:34:22 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct texture mapping (Shawn Hargreaves) |
18:37:28 |
Re: neural network code (Leath Muller) |
18:40:06 |
Re: Allegro.h to GNU Pascal unit conversion? (Tudor) |
19:01:00 |
Re: Bug in Allegro? Something strange is happening... (Shawn Hargreaves) |
19:01:11 |
Byte order (was Re: [Q] What #defines for cross-platform) (Ian D Romanick) |
19:04:57 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct texture mapping (Leath Muller) |
19:05:37 |
Re: Some Allegro questions (Shawn?) (Paul Furber) |
19:10:56 |
Re: OpenGL ----> Allegro (Leath Muller) |
19:26:53 |
Re: MMX (Brian Osman) |
19:32:49 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct texture mapping (Paul Furber) |
19:34:38 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct texture mapping (Ove Kaaven) |
19:45:41 |
tsr (steve wilcox) |
19:45:47 |
Re: complex in c (!c++) (Stephen L Moshier) |
19:46:06 |
Jumping around memory (Liam) |
20:08:14 |
Re: free OS that can run djgpp (Brian Osman) |
20:10:04 |
Re: free OS that can run djgpp (Orlando Andico) |
20:12:32 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother -off topic (Orlando Andico) |
20:18:44 |
Re: DirectX ----> OpenGL (Orlando Andico) |
20:24:33 |
Re: Allegro and SB05_DJ2 problem (Tony O'Bryan) |
20:26:59 |
Re: Allegro and SB05_DJ2 problem (Orlando Andico) |
20:27:19 |
Re: OpenGL ----> Allegro (Orlando Andico) |
20:30:02 |
Rhide compiles as .o files - how do I compile as .exe files? (Matt Chuckleton) |
20:33:48 |
Re: DirectX ----> OpenGL (Cristovao Braga) |
20:36:54 |
Re: Floating Point vs. Fixed Point (Orlando Andico) |
20:46:33 |
Re: neural network code (Orlando Andico) |
21:11:51 |
Re: Floating Point vs. Fixed Point (Leath Muller) |
21:16:19 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother (Tudor) |
21:17:22 |
Re: DirectX ----> OpenGL (Leath Muller) |
21:27:20 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct .. (fpu memcopy) (Leath Muller) |
21:44:01 |
What am i doing wrong? (I am me ...the 1st) |
21:45:35 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother (Ian D Romanick) |
21:59:09 |
DJGPP random numbers (Gunnar Beushausen) |
22:00:17 |
gcc for SCO UNIX (Gunnar Beushausen) |
22:28:06 |
Re: CIN COUT (Joost F. Jacob) |
22:30:19 |
Re: DirectX ----> OpenGL (John M. Aldrich) |
22:43:20 |
Re: DJGPP random numbers (Gautam N. Lad) |
22:55:20 |
Floating Point??? (Ron T Lewis) |
22:56:02 |
Re: Output to the Printer (Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church) |
22:56:26 |
Re: quick malloc question (Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church) |
22:58:28 |
Re: About Plush 3D (David Jenkins) |
23:26:33 |
Re: Floating Point??? (Leath Muller) |
23:26:38 |
Re: Loop unrolling: Don't bother (Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church) |
23:29:52 |
Re: Allegro perspective-correct .. (fpu memcopy) (Michael Phelps) |
23:32:27 |
Re: gettextinfo(), cprintf() question (Michael Phelps) |
23:37:49 |
Re: Decent text editor, was Re: n (Gunnar Beushausen) |
23:38:03 |
Re: Rhide compiles as .o files - how do I compile as .exe files? (George Foot) |
23:39:20 |
Re: Some of the SEXIEST women alive! (Tudor) |