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This is the reference manual for the miscellaneous utility programs that come with DJGPP.
1. bin2h
Convert binary data files to C include files.
2. djecho
Echo long command lines to files.
3. djtar
Extract or list files from (possibly compressed) tar archives, with DOS filename conversion.
4. dtou
Convert text files from dos to unix. 5. utod
Convert text files from unix to dos.
6. gxx
Build and link C++ programs
7. redir
Manage I/O Redirection.
8. djsplit
split large files into multiple files. 9. djmerge
Merge multiple files into one file.
10. texi2ps
Convert texinfo files to Postscript.
11. update
conditionally copy one file to another.
12. getconf
Get system-dependent configuration values.
13. go32-v2
Run unstubbed COFF images 14. stubify
Add DOS executable stub to COFF images 15. stubedit
Modify the executable stub parameters 16. exe2coff
Strip the DOS executable stub and create COFF image 17. coff2exe
Convert COFF image to EXE image (see stubify)
18. dxegen
Create Dynamic Executable file 19. dxe3gen
Create Dynamic Executable file (advanced) 20. dxe3res
Create Dynamic Executable interface
21. symify
Add procedure names and line numbers to tracebacks 22. edebug32
Simple line mode debugger for DJGPP images 23. fsdb
Full screen debugger for DJGPP images
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