Int 31H Function 050BH

Get Memory Information [1.0]

Returns information about available physical and virtual memory. Since DPMI clients will often run in multitasking environments, some of information related to shared resources returned by this function should only be considered as advisory.

Call With

AX = 050BH
ES:(E)DI = selector:offset of 128-byte buffer


if function successful
Carry flag = clear (this function always succeeds in DPMI 1.0)
and the buffer pointed to by ES:(E)DI is filled in with the following information:

00H4Total allocated bytes of physical memory controlled by DPMI host
04H4Total allocated bytes of virtual memory controlled by DPMI host
08H4Total available bytes of virtual memory controlled by DPMI host
0CH4Total allocated bytes of virtual memory for this virtual machine
10H4Total available bytes of virtual memory for this virtual machine
14H4Total allocated bytes of virtual memory for this client
18H4Total available bytes of virtual memory for this client
1CH4Total locked bytes of memory for this client
20H4Maximum locked bytes of memory for this client
24H4Highest linear address available to this client
28H4Size in bytes of largest available free memory block
2CH4Size of minimum allocation unit in bytes
30H4Size of the allocation alignment unit in bytes
34H4CHReserved, currently zero
if function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set (this function always fails in DPMI 0.9)


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