Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/01/10/07:24:47

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 13:54:16 +0200 (EET)
From: Adrian Oboroc <ash AT cinf DOT usm DOT md>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: RHIDE -- joy of my life :)
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0

Hello, dear *DJGPP* folks! I love you all... But this is a kind of
offtopic :)

I do not read my mail very often last time (I have some tests to pass
in the University), and so, may be I've missed some important notes
about *RHIDE*. It seams to me, that version 1.0 (from 12/05/96) have
a bug with the file creation time checking. In details: I start a new
project, create a program, and compile it via Ctrl-F9 key stroke.
Everythig works perfectly. Ok. After that I modify few lines in my
code, RHIDE successfuly observes that and indicate [*] in the
left-down corner of the editor window. And now, then I press Ctrl-F9
again, I obtain the following message: "test.exe is up to date"
!?!?? h$%k?!?.. I've tried to wait few minits, and then to strike
back with the magic Ctrl-F9 combination (Funny, I've thinked that
RHIDE's time stamp check is minute-occurate), but that does not
helps. And if I exit from ide, and then come back, everything works
fine, modified files in project are getting recompiled, unmodified
are skipped. I tried to look into the source, but hadn't been able
to find bug's location, (that's because I'm not such a big guru like
Robert Hoehne, Shawn Hargreaves, DJ Delorie, Eli Zaretskii or SET =)
(BTW: Hi guys, you are real heroes! You rule PC world)) Please help
me in some way to figure out how to fix RHIDE's bug, because I am
prety scared with perspective of working with command line.    #8()
See? It's too much for me, I don't know, if I'll be able to
survive... Khe-khe ;)

...the rest of this letter is probably for Robert Hoehne, but
everyone is welcomed to read it too ... =)

Hi Robert! Catch one more *BIG* thanks from me for your great

Few words about what I'd happy to see in RHIDE's new releases
(I'll be quite happy, and will send the greets to you in all my
productions! ) :

1. Bug, described higher to be fixed... Robert, PLEASE!
2. In Bugland's BP 7.0 and BC 3.1 ides there was a feature: if you
press Ctrl-Enter at file name in editing window, and this file is
present in current directory, then ide open a new edit window with
this file, and makes it active... Imagine how *extremly* nice it
will be for user's header files =)
3. I have heared before, that RHIDE does not support 100% correctly
files with .cpp extension (something about that GDB assumes .cc
extension by default, then picks debug info from COFF .o files).
You said, that it is not good idea to support non-standard .cpp
extension. But Robert! There two types of portability: between dif.
host platforms (ie DOS/Linux/HP-UX ect.) and between dif. compilers
on the same platorm. Currently I think that secont type is even more
important than first, and .cpp is a standard suffix for all M$ DOS
hosted compilers (and not only DJGPP rules, I don't think that
Watcom C 10.x or Top Speed 32 is (uhm..) suck and Mu$t die (probably
only Bugland's is (no, probaly not: guys from were realy know, how
to build a nice ide) :) )). So please, if you can, make it so, that
(.cc == .cpp) != 0     =)
4. Why not to add ~O~ptions|~S~ave menu entry?! Lots of people are
periodicaly yelling "There is my lovely SAVE OPTIONS punct?". I
catched the idea, that I must create a project with name RHIDE, and
then set default options, but it's not so clear and intuitive for
newbies like me.
5. If you can read help file for LIBC.INF, why not to add
~H~elp|~F~iles punct, so people will be able to select and deselect
the rest of TexInfo files for on-line browsing (realy comfortable
6. Ummm. I heared, that even dA bIGGiE bUCKZ lOVER bILL g. decided
to use HTML format for help files in his new avanturistic project
M$ Windoze 97 (BTW: it is not a coincidense: Herosima 45, Chernobil 86,
Windowze 95... Are bILLY gonna bring us another amargedon project
this year ?  =) ) And second: the FAQ is realy usefull document,
it's like a bible for all DJGPP folks, and Eli is like The Great Priest
(sory Eli, if something wrong with my sence of humor. I'm ill right
now, average temperature of my body is about ~39C).
THE IDEA: to add to RHIDE small online html-browser. Because HTML
with it's hyperlinks is very good for users and developers. I can
start to develop something like this (however I'm so far from a
programmers ideal :~( , but I'll try my best, if you want me to do
this job - realy).
7. In original TV and BP 7.0 & BC 3.1 then you select menu item
(for example if you press Alt-F, you activate ~F~ile), item's text
and two spaces from both sides goes to be highlighted with green
color. In RHIDE right space isn't highlighter :(  I understand that
this is absolutly not important for developers, who uses RHIDE (see,
I always write this blessed name in high register =) ), but I't
makes me filling a little bit uncomfortable, I'm quite sorry to
bother you with such a silly request, but if it is possible, please
return the rigth space back to the rest of highlighted brotherhood =)

... aren't you bored yet? I realy hope, you not... =)

Currently I'm writing yet another graphics editor for dos. It will
(hopefully =) ) have *all* features from Deluxe Paint ][ Enhanced 3.0
plus little adds. It will support a wide range of videomodes:
mcga256 aka mode 13h, x-modes, SVGA/VBE2.0, tweaked SVGA (like
640*256 & 640*400 - hi, amiga freaks!). Formats: IFF ILBM/PBM,GIF,
PCX,TGA,TIFF,BMP,JFIF and all other known formats, for wich I'll
find the specs. And finaly it will be freeware (well, may be
helloware =) ). I develop my source in such a way, that they are
compilable under both DJGPP 2.01 and Watcom C 10.0b. I understand
that it is a bit heretical for this maillist, but I prefer Watcom's
code generator, plus there is a very good, fast and stable dos
extender for Watcom - PMODE/W (currently v1.33). But DJGPP has a
realy great ide, and also it still optimizes very well, much better
that BC 5.01 =) So I use DJGPP while write and test my code, and
Watcom to build up release versions. To check my words take a look
at the following:

Results of Dhrystone test for DJGPP 2.01 (-O3 option)
Dhrystone V1.1: this machine benchmarks at 208333 dhrystones/second.
... and here is the result of the same test, compiled with
Watcom C 10.0b (pmode/w, generic optimization params)
Dhrystone V1.1: this machine benchmarks at 263157 dhrystones/second.

...Watcom faster with abouth 20%

Info on file sizes:                          DJGPP    Watcom
unpaced EXE size                             97506     31620
packed EXE file (DJP v1.05/PMW Lite 1.33)    30660     23295

Both compilers have been tested on my P5 133MHz, 16Mb ram system.
BTW: if somebody is interested, I can send an e-mail with the test,
just drop a message =)

Currently I'm studying C++, so soon I'll be able to browse your
sources much easely then now! Will you have something against me, if
I'll try in future to make re-port of TV for Watcom, based on your
port, and then to create a dos-hosted RHIDE-like ide, mostly based
on your sources, for Watcom C? Your credits will be putted in all
doc-files and about dialog! Please e-mail me your suggestions.

                                Ok, bye for now, Best wishes !

P.S.: I'd like to give my appologies to all the people, who suffered
from my longer-then-average letter and heavely broken English :(
At least I didn't proposed to all of you to earn $50000 by sanding
$5 to me :) More then that: my English is exelent for average PC demo
scener (take a look to some demo related diskmags at =) )
In few months I'll study English at a good courses, and then I'll be
much more active in this (vonderfull & friendly & cool & ...) list!

P.P.S.(To mailserv maintainer (DJ, if I'm right =) )): Currently
djgpp, djgpp-announce, djgpp-digest-daily and djgpp-digest-weekly
are available from your site. Why not to make djgpp-error-report,
or something like this and say to all the guys to post their copy
of autoexec.bat+config.sys+djgpp.env in this special maillist?
It will save a lot of space in the digests! Sincerly saying, I'm
not very interested in reading all this information, and probably
many guys, subscribed to this listserv, will agree with me.

P.P.P.S Ok. This letter is ~9.5Kb. Probably I'm not in a good mental
shape. It is called graphomania, if I rememer corectly...  =)

 AsH  aka Adrian Oboroc aka ash AT cinf DOT usm DOT md aka oboroc AT cinf DOT usm DOT md
 Take a look at if you want
 For PC-sceners:  Searching for a brand new coder  (experienced in
 asm/c & math competent)  for your group?  You aren't  scared with
 long-distance friendship and common demo-making activity?    It's
 your lucky day !  Don't hesistate to drop me some mail... greets,
 f$#ks, 18-25 year sisters and/or wifes  =)  or whatever are quite
 welcome!  But *PLEASE*,  don't send to me your poetry !  =)  Ok?!
 (Temperature  getting higher and higher  (39.6C for now), oh poor
 old  termometer!  It  probably  will  not  survive until  the new
 milennium =) ) Definetely bye & constantly besh wishes  !
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ Team: alcohol sux / H2O rulez ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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