Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/09/06/15:31:16
Endlisnis wrote:
> "Outsider (6.22/3.11)" wrote:
> > Trancelucid wrote:
> > >
> > > It's been quite a while that MS announced Millenium as their last Win9x
> > > kernel.. but I find ironic people freaking out saying DOS is gonna die
> > > when MS releases a new version... In no way we are obligated to buy each
> > > and every release of their software..
> > Not everyone is so fortunate. Most people are forced to use
> > whatever their employer forces onto them; usually the latest
> > MS offerings.
> Well, I would say that most employers never made the jump to Win98,
> they've already jumped to NT if they aren't using 95 anymore.
> The only things that don't work under NT are SVGA and LFN's (the latter of
> which could be fixed, but not trivially). If LFN's are no longer available,
> DJGPP _might_ decide to stop supporting them and just use the 8.3 standard to
> make it work under Win2xxx or whatever. Besides that, who uses Allegro at
> work anyways? Allegro is mostly a game programming language, and I doubt most
> people here are using Allegro at work to program games, and if they are, then
> their employer will likely stay with a platform that supports development of
> DOS games.
Actually there are a lot of things broken in NT's emulated DOS, which
work in real DOS or even Win 4.x DOS. I haven't compiled a list, but
here are a few things that come to mind. I haven't tested these myself
because I don't use NT, but as reported by others these no longer work,
and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
REM |CHOICE /CY /TY,5 >nul
REM >0bytefil
ECHO Type input (no spaces) and press [Enter].
FC.EXE CON NUL /LB1 /N |DATE |FIND.EXE "1:">setinput.bat
ECHO Input was %INPUT%
FOR %%F IN (setinput.bat enter.bat) DO IF EXIST %%F DEL %%F
I guess I should have been collecting all the broken items.
Then I could have presented a formidible list.
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