testing double (without inline functions) Failure: Test: exp2m1 (-0x1.720d9ap-8) Result: is: -3.9062496743087019e-03 -0x1.fffffd33cc195p-9 should be: -3.9062496743087027e-03 -0x1.fffffd33cc197p-9 difference: 8.6736173798840355e-19 0x1.0000000000000p-60 ulp : 2.0000 max.ulp : 1.0000 Maximal error of `exp2m1' is : 2 ulp accepted: 1 ulp Failure: Test: exp2m1_downward (0xf.ffbdf4b6293bp-4) Result: is: 9.9991268676895250e-01 0x1.fff48e410e68cp-1 should be: 9.9991268676895284e-01 0x1.fff48e410e68fp-1 difference: 3.3306690738754696e-16 0x1.8000000000000p-52 ulp : 3.0000 max.ulp : 2.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_downward (0xf.fffdae34cb78p-4) Result: is: 9.9999693344412565e-01 0x1.ffff991a7c516p-1 should be: 9.9999693344412599e-01 0x1.ffff991a7c519p-1 difference: 3.3306690738754696e-16 0x1.8000000000000p-52 ulp : 3.0000 max.ulp : 2.0000 Maximal error of `exp2m1_downward' is : 3 ulp accepted: 2 ulp Failure: Test: exp2m1_towardzero (-0x1.715bd8586d057p-12) Result: is: -2.4412988438365850e-04 -0x1.fffa3bd2287e5p-13 should be: -2.4412988438365858e-04 -0x1.fffa3bd2287e8p-13 difference: 8.1315162936412832e-20 0x1.8000000000000p-64 ulp : 3.0000 max.ulp : 2.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_towardzero (0xf.ffbdf4b6293bp-4) Result: is: 9.9991268676895250e-01 0x1.fff48e410e68cp-1 should be: 9.9991268676895284e-01 0x1.fff48e410e68fp-1 difference: 3.3306690738754696e-16 0x1.8000000000000p-52 ulp : 3.0000 max.ulp : 2.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_towardzero (0xf.fffdae34cb78p-4) Result: is: 9.9999693344412565e-01 0x1.ffff991a7c516p-1 should be: 9.9999693344412599e-01 0x1.ffff991a7c519p-1 difference: 3.3306690738754696e-16 0x1.8000000000000p-52 ulp : 3.0000 max.ulp : 2.0000 Maximal error of `exp2m1_towardzero' is : 3 ulp accepted: 2 ulp Failure: Test: exp2m1_upward (-0x1.71573cp-8) Result: is: -3.8987446152031167e-03 -0x1.ff04293c4a2f8p-9 should be: -3.8987446152031176e-03 -0x1.ff04293c4a2fap-9 difference: 8.6736173798840355e-19 0x1.0000000000000p-60 ulp : 2.0000 max.ulp : 1.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_upward (-0x1.71573dd150deap-8) Result: is: -3.8987449074009638e-03 -0x1.ff042bbed6f33p-9 should be: -3.8987449074009646e-03 -0x1.ff042bbed6f35p-9 difference: 8.6736173798840355e-19 0x1.0000000000000p-60 ulp : 2.0000 max.ulp : 1.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_upward (-0x1.71573ep-8) Result: is: -3.8987449367165203e-03 -0x1.ff042bff4e242p-9 should be: -3.8987449367165211e-03 -0x1.ff042bff4e244p-9 difference: 8.6736173798840355e-19 0x1.0000000000000p-60 ulp : 2.0000 max.ulp : 1.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_upward (-0x1.7159454d13d4fp-12) Result: is: -2.4412323847743130e-04 -0x1.fff6aa6a1ee07p-13 should be: -2.4412323847743135e-04 -0x1.fff6aa6a1ee09p-13 difference: 5.4210108624275222e-20 0x1.0000000000000p-64 ulp : 2.0000 max.ulp : 1.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_upward (-0x1.715bd8586d057p-12) Result: is: -2.4412988438365850e-04 -0x1.fffa3bd2287e5p-13 should be: -2.4412988438365858e-04 -0x1.fffa3bd2287e8p-13 difference: 8.1315162936412833e-20 0x1.8000000000000p-64 ulp : 3.0000 max.ulp : 1.0000 Failure: Test: exp2m1_upward (-0x1.715bdap-12) Result: is: -2.4412990106876752e-04 -0x1.fffa3e1d36985p-13 should be: -2.4412990106876758e-04 -0x1.fffa3e1d36987p-13 difference: 5.4210108624275222e-20 0x1.0000000000000p-64 ulp : 2.0000 max.ulp : 1.0000 Maximal error of `exp2m1_upward' is : 3 ulp accepted: 1 ulp Test suite completed: 4 max error test cases, 776 input tests, - with 3112 tests for exception flags, - with 738 tests for errno executed. 16 errors occurred.