Format of Protocol Stack Statistics Table:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	statistics table major version
 01h	BYTE	statistics table minor version (decimal, 0-99)
 02h	WORD	number of generic counters following
 04h	DWORD	"ValidCountersMask" (bitmask, bit 31 is TotalTxPackets)
 08h	DWORD	TotalTxPackets
 0Ch	DWORD	TotalRxPackets
 10h	DWORD	IgnoredRxPackets
 14h	WORD	number of custom counters
 16h  N DWORDs	custom counters
      N DWORDs	-> CustomCounterStrN (one per custom counter)
	var	length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter 0
	var	length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter N-1
SeeAlso: #02999,#03006