Category: network

INT 2F - Novell NetWare - TCP/IP Protocol Stack - INSTALLATION CHECK

	AX = 7A40h
Return: AX = 7AFFh if installed
	    0000h:BX = address of interrupt vector for MLID ISR
	    CX = version (CH=major, CL=minor)
	    DX = 0000h
	    ES:DI -> entry point for TCP/IP stack (see #02903)
Notes:	Novell's LAN Workplace for DOS TCPIP.EXE also supports this interface
	this function is also supported by the Beame&Whiteside BWLWP40 shim,
	  but it only returns AL and ES:DI, and does not support AX=7A41h
SeeAlso: AX=7A41h,INT 15/AX=DE2Eh,INT 60"Excelan"