Category: vendor-specific BIOS extensions

INT 16 - Compaq Systempro and higher - CACHE CONTROLLER STATUS

	AX = F400h
Return: AH = E2h (*)
	AL = status
	    00h not present
	    01h enabled
	    02h disabled
	CX = cache memory size
	    bit 15:	cache size information is NOT valid
	    bits 14-0:	cache memory size in kilobytes
	DH = cache write technology
	    bit 7:	cache write information is NOT valid
	    bits 6-1:	reserved (0)
	    bit 0:	0 = Write-through caching
			1 = Write-back caching
	DL = cache type
	    bit 7:	cache type information is NOT valid
	    bits 6-1:	reserved (0)
	    bit 0:	0 = Direct mapped
			1 = Two-way set-associative
Notes:	also supported by some versions of AMI BIOS dated June 1992 or later
	many (most) BIOSes return a modified AH when called for an unsupported
	  or non-keyboard function (typically, the highest supported keyboard
	  function [normally 12h] is subtracted from the original AH)
SeeAlso: AX=F401h,AX=F402h