Category: network
Flags: partially documented function

INT 61 - PC/TCP kernel v2.1+ - "net_config" - CONFIGURE RUNNING KERNEL

	AH = 01h
	BX = 0000h
	DH = tag number
	DL = device number
	DS:SI -> buffer to send to kernel
	ES:DI -> integer containing size of buffer
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code (see #03319 at INT 61"FTP Software")
Range:	INT 20 to INT E0, selected by configuration
Notes:	there are a large number of tags available; the items returned
	  all refer to local kernel configuration, and are not needed in
	  normal use.
	this function is not supported by Beame&Whiteside's BWPCTCP v3.0a shim
SeeAlso: INT 61"FTP Software",INT 61/AH=00h"PC/TCP",INT 61/AH=02h"PC/TCP"