X-pop3-spooler: POP3MAIL 2.1.0 b 4 980420 -bs- Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 02:44:41 -0700 From: david Message-Id: <199809150944.CAA03397@Midnight.Hacking.in.the.land.of.Kalifornia.com> To: pcg AT goof DOT com, beastium-list AT Desk DOT nl Reply-To: david AT kalifornia DOT com Subject: Re: libc-5.4.22?!? In-Reply-To: X-Mailer: XCmail 0.99.6 - with PGP support, PGP engine version 0.5 X-Mailerorigin: http://www.fsai.fh-trier.de/~schmitzj/Xclasses/XCmail/ MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: Marc Lehmann Status: RO Content-Length: 832 Lines: 21 Reply to mail from Shawn Leas about libc-5.4.22?!? ----------------- > Agreed, RedHat is being irresponsible for having such an old libc5 rusting > there for compatibility reasons. Aye, please read my previous :) > libc5 maybe isn't "going away" anytime soon, but should. And you're > right, of course, that it isn't a "slackware" thing, but since debian, > RedHat, Suse (I think) etc have gone libc6, it is becoming an increasingly > "Slackware" thing. I like many other administrators will probably fully migrate as time permits and the need arises. The axiom "if it ain't broke don't fix it" comes to mind :) -d -- Look, look, see Windows 98. Buy, lemmings, buy! (c) 1998 David Ford. Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited. for linux-kernel: please read linux/Documentation/* before posting problems