X-pop3-spooler: POP3MAIL 2.1.0 b 4 980420 -bs- Message-ID: <358FA82A.A642518F@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 15:05:46 +0200 From: "Mathias Pütz" Organization: MPI for Polymer Science X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i586) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: pgcc-list AT Desk DOT nl Subject: Re: Trouble with -fsoftware-pipe Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: Marc Lehmann Status: RO Content-Length: 160 Lines: 7 Once again hello, I just forgot to mention in my bug report, that my tests were performed under RedHat Linux 5.1 (glibc 2.07) on a Pentium machine. Mathias