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From: shadow AT shadowgard DOT com
To: opendos AT delorie DOT com
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 16:27:16 -0800
Subject: Re: Mailing under dos with German mail client UKA_PPP
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On 19 Jan 2004 at 17:35, Lindner-Thalmaessing AT t-online wrote:

> On Sunday, 18 Jan 2004, "Martin Foster" <ccoky AT iglou DOT com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> > So long as you provide UKA_PPP with the following information, there
> > shouldn't be a problem with data transfer rates:
> > ComPort
> Comm2 used, but UKA:_PPP on screen always reports Comm1!!!

You have to get used to this. Some software stats 
numbering at 0, some start at 1. You have to learn 
to keep track of which is which.

> > ComPort address
> > ComPort IRQ
> > Baudrate (this should preferably be 115200 but 57600 would suffice)
> > Modem init string

> $PORT=2F8  # Adress of serial port
> $IRQ=3  # Interrupt of serial port
> $BAUD=19200  # DTE speed (38400 up to 115200 will not work!)
> initstring="at&FL2M2"  # Modem initstring  # "at&F" originally
> dialstring="atdt"  # Dial-Prefix

> See above. ;=)
> > What modem is it exactly?
> > What chipset has it got?
> > What init string are you using in UKA_PPP? (see above)
> Concerning the hardware questions, I must wait to February.
> I am blind, but then my seeing wife comes back from a journey.

Can you fire up a regular terminal program and try 
sending some strings to it?

Many modems will identify themselves when given the 
appropriate commands. Try typing in A T I then 
hitting enter. If that gives a response try adding 
digits to the end of the command. They'll give 
various other bits of info.

Also, if you can even remember the *brand* of the 
modem it would help some.

Leonard Erickson (aka shadow)
shadow at krypton dot rain dot com