X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to opendos-bounces using -f Sender: day AT delorie DOT com Message-ID: <3FC85C51.8A6F006F@hypertech.net> Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 00:44:01 -0800 From: Day Brown X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.73 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.16 i686) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: Arachne Web browser for DOS References: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Gary Welles wrote: > > Day Brown writes: > > > . . . since I moved to where none of the isps will logon with dos . . . > > Most dialup ISPs offer only CHAP login. ... > with more secure CHAP login. If you dial your present ISP with a > terminal application, it's likely you'll see a UUnet prompt such > as this: > > UQKT2 tnt54.nyc3.da.uu.net > > Login: Nope. What I see is: %ascend% then it asks for the system administrator password. > They don't advertise for individual accounts in the US, but you > can get them starting at $7.95, now under the MCI brand. Details > at: URL=https://customercenter.mci.com/ That's encouraging, however I live in a rural area of the Ozarks. There are three local ISP choices, no other options. > > > Is there an effort to port xwindows or some kind of API to dos so that > > it could run the win 3/os2 versions of opera or mozilla? Maybe in on a > > 32bit drive? > > X-Window is os independent. Although normally seen on Unixes, > DESQview/X is a DOS X-server with DESQview providing the > multitasking DOS lacks and a private interface to QEMM providing > the flat 32 memory model. > > DJGPP ports of Unix X-Window apps to DOS DV/X are straight > forward. I can get very tedious converting Unix to DOS 8.3 file > names or if you have to write DESQview API calls to replace Unix > multitasking functions such as fork(). > > With the decline of DOS applications, it makes more sense to work > DOS apps from Unix or Linux rather than porting major X apps to > DOS DV/X. > > See for DV/X details: > > URL=http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bmm/dvx.html > > For a copy of DV/X: > > URL=http://www.chsoft.com/dv.html Appreciate the links. Looks like it deserves more time than I have at the moment. However, why cant a batch program perform the tedeious conversion? I find the whole idea intreguing. That you can dos loaded and running, and if that works, load QEMM, or use a batch call with the necessary changes.. but then call netscape 3.0? One of the reasons I'm interested is that I already get notes that the 4.7 I'm using right now (via COREL debian 2.2.16) is so ancient that some pages ask me to update it. But- when I try that, I see that that Nescape 7, the recommended update, needs other dependancies I dont have. I been down that road before, the app tells me I need GLIB2... and when I get that, it tells me that I need GCC... and on down the dependancy garden path to... No wonder they sell new Linux install CDs with all the packages selected that run on a give set of 'dependancies'... One of the reasons I liked dos, was that if I downloaded a dos program, and it didnt run, I just blew it off and maybe tried something else. Nothing ever messed around with CONFIG.SYS in such a way I could not undo it.