X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mail set sender to opendos-bounces using -f Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 22:05:42 +1100 (EST) From: DONALD PEDDER To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Subject: several technical problems Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com I've never gotten around to setting up DR-DOS fully on this computer, but I'm doing it now, and some new problems have cropped up as well (see end of E-mail for my autoexec and config), so here goes... 1. I could never get taskmgr to work properly on this computer - that is, until I saw someone mention "taskmgr /s", which got it going (this was a new option since I'd used the previous version). However, I am still having a problem with it. I can get several sessions started, but if I try to swap sessions while one of them has the editor loaded, I get "exception 6", and the session crashes. The reason I use several sessions to start with is so that I can edit/reference several files at a time, so needless to say this problem means I still can't use taskmgr for what I want it for. 2. I am using bitcom as my dial-up software. It has an option to drop back down into DOS, but several things that I try to do (like using the editor) tell me "insufficient memory", even though I have 64Mb of memory (and I ran this software okay when I only had a 386). 3. I have a problem which is isolated to the root directory on one partition. I notice that Windows has touched it (despite my efforts to keep it clean). It has a "recycled" directory in there, and I'm unable to clear it out with deltree (deltree says no such file exists, but it's there if I do a "dir /s"). This may or may not be relevant. Anyhow, when I want to use the editor in this directory I get "internal error 82". I also get it if a do a "type filename|more", however it works with just "type filename" (which is no good for multi-page files). Ditto if I try to re-direct. For a while I was able to get around the editor problem by deleting the .$$$ files, but that no longer works. I am able to edit my files if I move them to another directory. Any ideas on how to clear up this directory? (I'd rather not re-format if it can be avoided) @ECHO Off PATH C:\DRDOS;C:\NWCLIENT;d:\pp\bin\go32v2;D:\tmtp200d;D:\pascal;C:\;d:\pkzip;C:\ARACHNE VERIFY ON SET PEXEC=vol PROMPT $X[DR-DOS] $P$G SET DRDOSCFG=C:\DRDOS NWCACHE 7670 1024 /LEND=ON /DELAY=OFF drmouse REM ============== By CD-ROM driver ============== C:\DRDOS\NWCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD000 /V REM ============================================ green share taskmgr /s type todo DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.EXE DPMI=OFF FRAME=NONE DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\DPMS.EXE DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\SETVER.EXE SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /E:512 /P BREAK=OFF BUFFERS=15 FILES=50 FCBS=4,4 LASTDRIVE=G HISTORY=ON,512,ON COUNTRY=61,,C:\DRDOS\COUNTRY.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB REM ============== By CD-ROM driver ============== DEVICE=C:\IDECD\IDECD.SYS /D:MSCD000 LASTDRIVE=Z REM ============================================ thanks, DONALD. E-mail - donaldp AT au DOT mensa DOT org BIG DON's Home-page - http://jedi.apana.org.au/~jims_son Pedder Passer Rating - http://jedi.apana.org.au/~jims_son/PPR AusNFL mailing-list - http://jedi.apana.org.au/mailman/listinfo/ausnfl "What I always wanted is to be accepted, not understood" - MAN RAY