Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 12:54:19 -0500 (EST) From: "Paul O. BARTLETT" To: OpenDOS List Subject: RE: Graphical WWW Browser for DOS? (fwd) Message-ID: X-PGP-key: X-PGP-keyid: 0xF383C8F9 X-PGP-key-fingerprint: E62D2E2C7BCD08CB B742A93726A91532 Organization: SmartNet Private Account MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "da Silva, Joe" To: 'Paul O. BARTLETT' Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 18:18:50 +1100 Subject: RE: Graphical WWW Browser for DOS? I can't reach opendos AT delorie DOT com, ATM, so I'm sending this to you directly. You can forward it to 'opendos', if you like ... Assuming you have some access to the 'net, somewhere, you can get my LSPPPCFG package from "". Also get LSPPP 0.74/0.8 and PATCH17X from the same place. This will allow you to re-configure Arachne to use the LSPPP packet driver, with automatic DNS detection. :-) Hint : Don't use JavaScript, if you want to avoid the horrible pop-ups that hypermart inflict these days. :-/ BTW, I suggest you disable the so-called "multitasking" option in Arachne when using the LSPPP packet driver - this seems to work more smoothly. Also, you can use the keyboard arrow keys as a pseudo-mouse, by holding down the shift key at the same time. Joe. > -----Original Message----- [Deleted to save space]