Message-ID: <>
From: "da Silva, Joe" <Joe DOT daSilva AT emailmetering DOT com>
To: "'opendos AT delorie DOT com'" <opendos AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: RE: Loadfix
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 17:59:09 +1000 
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Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com

In the past, I've used UNP V4.11 (available at Simtel and Garbo, IIRC)
to decompress such old programs with buggy decompression stubs.

If you like, you can then re-compress them, eg. using UPX, which is
available for DOS (also for Linux) and gives very good compression


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	shadow AT krypton DOT rain DOT com [SMTP:shadow AT krypton DOT rain DOT com]
> Sent:	Sunday, September 29, 2002 1:41 PM
> To:	opendos AT delorie DOT com
> Subject:	Loadfix
> I've run into a snag on a friend's BBS system (yes, there are still
> BBSes struggling along). It's running DR-DOS 7.03. We are using 4dos
> 5.5 as the command processor. And QEMM and desqview.
> The XU utility (for setting parameters on the X00 fossil driver doesn't
> like loading in low RAM (the usual "packed file corrupt" error).
> The DR-DOS LOADFIX.bat doesn't solve the problem. Running the critical
> lines by hand to invoke MEMMAX gets an error about "must be loaded from
> the Master command shell"
> Running from DOS 6.22 solved the problem on *my* system,
> but not on hers. 
> What *does* work is this atrocity of a command line:
> command /c xu 
> followed by the parameters for the XU program. 
> Any ideas what might be going on? 
> Yes, I'm looking for an unpacked copy of XU. But this is obviously
> *some* sort of oddball problem. 
> Oh yeah, we are still using DV because FXUUCICO complains about the
> 115200 speed of the serial port if we don't. Weird.
> -- 
> Leonard Erickson (aka shadow{G})
>  shadow AT krypton DOT rain DOT com        <--preferred
> leonard AT qiclab DOT scn DOT rain DOT com     <--last resort