Message-Id: <> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 20:48:13 -0400 From: "Marie Vanhaaster" X-Priority: 3 To: opendos-developer AT delorie DOT com Subject: >>>OVER 14.5 MILLION OPT-IN EMAIL ADDRESSES...PLUS $2,000 IN FREE SOFTWARE! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Dear, opendos-developer AT delorie DOT com Would you like to get tens of thousands of new visitors to your web site daily? Below is everything you will ever need to market your product or service over the Internet! Besides that...It's the only real way to market on the Internet...Period! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR MESSAGE SEEN BY OVER 14.5 MILLION TARGETED PROSPECTS DAILY? EARN MEGA-PROFITS WITH THE RIGHT FORMULA If you have a product, service, or message that you would like to get out to Thousands, Hundreds of Thousands, or even Millions of people, you have several options. Traditional methods include print advertising, direct mail, radio, and television advertising. They are all effective, but they all have two catches: They're EXPENSIVE and TIME CONSUMING. Not only that, you only get ONE SHOT at making your message heard, by the right people. Now this has all changed! Thanks to the top programmers in the world and their NEW EMAIL TECHNOLOGY, You can send over 14,500,000 Emails Daily for FREE... Without getting terminated from your current Internet connection! It's very simple to do and you can be increasing sales within minutes of installing this new extraordinary software! PLUS...OVER $2,000 IN MARKETING SOFTWARE INCLUDED FREE! HURRY!.....OFFER ENDS IN 3 DAYS To find out more information, Do not respond by email. Instead, Please Call our marketing department at.... 1- (203) - 467-5378 Cybernet Marketing This message is a one time mailing and will never be repeated again.