X-Authentication-Warning: delorie.com: mailnull set sender to opendos-bounces using -f To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 22:49:08 -0800 Subject: Re: configuring sound card Message-ID: <20011206.224911.-500983.0.domanspc@juno.com> X-Mailer: Juno 4.0.11 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 0-8,10-23,25-48,50,52-55,57-61,63-68 X-Juno-Att: 0 X-Juno-RefParts: 0 From: Robert W Moss Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com You are right Joe. Actually I did not mean to put Win Modem there, although on many of the new boards including the Aptiva series, and NetVista series, the sound, modem, video, USB are all built into the motherboard chipset, and Intel and some other chipset manufacturers have bent over backward to please Uncle Bill by making the sound and modem require some form of Windoze to operate correctly. Neal, All the IBM PCs come with a Recovery Disk which will wipe out all your upgraded stuff and restore your C:\ drive to exactly what it was when your computer was delivered to the company that sold you the computer. Any time you have a severe system crash which WINME can not auto-correct (it has an auto restore setup which will restore your boot-up to the last successful boot -up), you will have to use the recovery disk. I have an IBM Aptiva 200Mhz and I have not been able to get the Video or sound to work when I attempt to install LINUX, even WINLINUX. DOS programs have to be loaded carefully to run on WINME, and in many cases require the user to write a Quick Basic loader program to insure the DOS program does not interfere with the WinDoze memory. Setting up WINME over WIN98SE was time consuming and required several trips to the WEB for new drivers and updated BIOS files. After six months I still have some bad times with it. I prefer to use my old DOS APPS and WIN311, but when I need it for compatibility at school or at work, I still need the newer M$ Apps like M$ Office 2000/2001for a lot of stuff. You should consider setting up a Multi- boot system with DRDOS/OPENDOS/BEOS/WINME. Then your DOS Apps would not interfere and you could have it all on one computer. DOS utilities do not come with ME AFAIK, since ME uses a DOS Emulator system, but you can get M$DOS 7 by downloading from M$ on the WEB if you know where to look and/or don't mind spending the time looking. They are also included in WIN98SE in the \Windows\Command folder. Bill Gates had his programmers write in special code detectors to identify DR/OPENDOS and cause problems for DR/OPENDOS users. He wanted only M$DOS on his WINDOZE systems. I heard that he was upset because DR would not pay for some of the compatibility code needed to be 100% compatible and he wanted to get even with them and teach them who was the KING. I believe This was one of the things included in the Digital Research/Lineo lawsuit. Many DOS programs reset your computer to the old cga/ega screen size (like 320/200) and the screen has to be re-set every time you use them. Unless you have DOS on the computer before you install WINME and set up for a dual boot system DOS will always be a problem since WINME ignores all config.sys and autoexec.bat files on bootup, and that is why the Quick Basic Loader files are needed for most DOS programs that are not specifically written for ME. Also another part of the problem is the old M$/PC/DR/OpenDos DOS doesn't like FAT 32 and ME is FAT 32. When Bill Gates released WinDoZe ME he declared to the world that DOS was 'DEAD' and now he has released WinDoZe 2000 and WinDoZe XP (which are M$ NT, or M$ Versions of UNIX) . He officially declared DOS buried and M$ will no longer support DOS. Being the person he is it is pretty sure he will never release M$DOS to the open scource world, even more so than Lineo has. As far as he is concerned we are all stupid for using DOS, and all the instructors in the Tech Schools around Northern California seem to agree and preach that idea. They don't even like to see people using WIN31or WIN9x, and a 286/386/486 computer really blows them away, since WINME requires at least a P5/166Mhz cpu and 32MB of RAM to creep along (recommended 233Mhz and 64MB and it still creeps and crashes due to lack of RAM). BOB ' DOMAN ' MOSS ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.