Message-ID: <000901c1671e$a88bd260$027efea9@atlantis> From: "Matthias Paul" To: References: <200111051853732 DOT SM00968 AT dfsi DOT net> Subject: Re: DRDOS + QEMM Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 20:22:57 +0100 Organization: University of Technology, RWTH Aachen, Germany MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id fA6NuX023980 Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com On 2001-11-05, Robert Gilmore wrote: > OK I used the chain statement chain=config.sys and set com spec to > autoexec.bat and it is ok now,can use qemm optimize and if I want,I can > just remove the chain statement from dconfig.sys and revert this > is better than I expected! You probably meant SHELL=...\ /P:autoexec.bat rather than %COMSPEC%, didnīt you? %COMSPEC% is an environment variable set by the command processor when it loads and is used to find the file on the disk to reload the transient portion of the command processor after loading and exitting huge applications. Changing %COMSPEC% to point to a different command processor than the one which is currently running may cause the system to lock up when returning to the prompt, so you should better not play with this... > Question 1 > but I now have the DOS-UP.exe error on boot up ,but doesnt seem to cause > any probs except the pause and hit any key to continue message. > do you know any fix for this? Unfortunately not, unless there would be an (undocumented) QEMM option to override the sanity check. Anyone? > the patch you mention,will that work with my configuration? Yes, it will, and it will even free a few more bytes conventional memory when using FILESHIGH=, FCBSHIGH=, or DOS=AUTO, but it will cause fatal problems at least with some issues of Windows 3.xx. So, please always remember that /you/ patched the kernel files, and donīt blame DR-DOS (or me) when trying to run Windows somewhen later... ;-) For your convenience, here is the script again: ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copyright (C) 1997,2001 by Matthias Paul. All rights reserved. ; ; mailto: or ; ; This is provided "AS IS" without warranties or support of any kind! ; Use at your own risk! Improper use may cause serious loss of data! ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Description: Caldera DR-OpenDOS 7.02+ DEBUG R1.50+ script to patch ; the DR-OpenDOS 7.02+ IBMBIO.COM (1997-12) file to ; allocate only 5 instead of 8 file handles during ; [D]CONFIG.SYS. ; ; Sympthom: Quarterdeck's QEMM 8 DOS-UP refuses to relocate ; DOS sub-structures on DR-OpenDOS 7.02+ and later, ; resulting in about 1 Kb less free total Conventional ; Memory. ; ; Synopsis: Due to the introduction of new FILESHIGH=/HIFILES= ; and FCBSHIGH=/HIFCBS= [D]CONFIG.SYS directives, ; the chunking of handles has slightly changed with ; DR-OpenDOS 7.02+. For unknown reasons, DOS-UP ; refuses to work with this changed layout. ; ; Solution: A patch should be made available by Quarterdeck ; for QEMM, but at present none seems to be available. ; Please keep asking them for a solution to this ; problem, as a fix is a simple two-liner for them ; and besides would also improve general DOS ; compatibility in their product. ; ; Workaround: A temporary solution is to apply this patch ; (IBMBIO85.SCR) to the IBMBIO.COM file. The patch also ; gives about 150 bytes more conventional memory on ; systems, where handles are loaded into UMBs using ; the new FILESHIGH=/HIFILES= or FCBSHIGH=/HIFCBS= ; directives. ; ; Requirements: 1. DEBUG R1.50+ (since DR-OpenDOS 7.02 and ; DR-DOS 7.02+). ; 2. IBMBIO.COM as of Caldera DR-OpenDOS 7.02 and ; DR-DOS 7.02+. ; Tested with IBMBIO.COM up to DR-DOS 7.04/7.05 ; (1999-08-19). ; ; Hints: - Never try to apply this patch with other issues of ; DEBUG or to other IBMBIO.COM files then those listed ; above. ; - It is not garanteed that this patch will continue to ; work with future issues of DR-DOS, although it will ; hardly become broken, as the script will attempt to ; synchronize with new issues automatically. ; - You can query the file version number by ; toggling Scrollock on when the "Starting Caldera ; DR-DOS..." message is shown at startup, or by ; issueing "VERSION IBMBIO.COM" at the C:\ prompt. ; ; Restrictions: - Microsoft Windows 3.xx will probably not run after ; applying this patch to IBMBIO.COM. Instead, it ; will display: "Unsupported version of MS-DOS" on ; its startup, especially with handles loaded into ; UMBs. Note, that at least Microsoft Windows for ; Workgroups 3.11 still runs OK. If you have success ; running a different version of MS Windows after ; applying this patch, I would appreciate your ; feedback, just for the records. ; ; How To: C: ; SYS A: Back a backup boot floppy ; ATTRIB -R -H -S C:\IBMBIO.COM Strip off attributes ; COPY C:\IBMBIO.COM C:\TEMP\IBMBIO.COM Backup the BIOS file ; CD C:\TEMP ; DEBUG < IBMBIO85.SCR Apply the patch ; COPY C:\TEMP\IBMBIO.COM C:\IBMBIO.COM Update system if OK ; ATTRIB +R +H +S C:\IBMBIO.COM Restore attributes ; ; Version : 1.05 ; Last edit : 2001-11-06 MPAUL ; /X ; Enter extended DEBUG mode ; Name & load the BIOS from disk ; (+100h) L R ax=cx ; Save file length R cx=0 ; Search for 1st match and store ; location in CX -S cs:100 L ax+100 "IBMDOS",20,20 R dx=cx ; Store location in DX (0 if not ; found) R cx=0 ; Search for 1st match and store ; location in CX -S cs:dx-A L 1 4 ;-S cs:dx-A L 1 1 ; [To revert the patch modify above ; line!] ; If CX is zero, the correct ; DEF_NUM_FILES value (4) was not ; found, hence the patch does not ; alter the file (it's directed ; into a dummy PSP at offset +0h). ; Otherwise DEF_NUM_FILES is ; altered from 4 to 1. E cs:cx 1 ;E cs:cx 4 ; [To revert the patch modify above ; line!] R cx=ax ; Restore file length ; Write the BIOS back to disk W Q ; Quit DEBUG ; > Question 2 > do you know how to configure DVX for PPP tcip dial-up and do you know > how to use MOSIAC browser with DVX ? I have no manual for QEMM or DVX > so hope I can get some ideas! No, I cannot help you with this. Iīm no DV, DV/386, or DV/X expert. It was rarely used in Europe. But there are probably other DV* users around here. > Question 3 > what do you know about SKIPPER (new deal) ,WEBBOY (ibm) , WEBSPYDER > (caldera) what is the absoulte best WWW set-up for DOS www use. I never used Skipper or WebBoy, but I have excessively used DR-WebSpyder for web-browsing under DOS until last winter. However, since DR-WebSpyder is no longer being maintained and has a few annoying quirks, I recommend Arachne, even if this is not an extended DOS application. For DOS emailing I suggest to try PMAIL for DOS. > my ram drive d:\ is like VDISK.SYS /16384 /512 /16 /E I have 48mb ram > in computer intel P133 do you think my ramdrive is optimized? > the 16 ,should this be more since ARACHNE has about a hundred > file in root of d:\arachne\ directory or does this just apply to > the d:\ root itself? As the name says, the count of root directory entries applies only to the root directory on FAT12 and FAT16 volumes (not on FAT32 partitions). RAM disks usually use FAT12 or FAT16. If you want to use a more advanced RAM disk I suggest to try the TDSK 2.42 BETA downloadable from Greetings, Matthias -- Matthias Paul, Ubierstrasse 28, D-50321 Bruehl, Germany ;;