Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 17:14:13 GMT From: Alex Venn Organization: Computer Peasant Message-ID: <2001529.13263.olim.1.42> To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Subject: re: RE: Fwd: DRDOS & IP (also IE5 for W3.X) X-Mailer: OLIM v1.42 Lines: 20 Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com In article <01FD6EC775C6D4119CDF0090273F74A455A63B AT emwatent02 DOT meters DOT com DOT au> you write: > Also, remember "I am running ie5. using trumpet for the tcp/ip stack, > and it works fine" (2001/03/14) ... ? Well, I finally managed to install > IE5 for W3.X ... by booting from a MS-DOS 6.22 floppy first!!! It simply > would not install the dialler or browser using DR-DOS 6.0 or 7.02(+)! > Am I right to assume, the machines where you managed to install > this stuff, were running M$-DOS & Windoze 3.X ? I installed IE 5.01 (or maybe it was 5.1 ?) on a PC running DRDOS 7.03 and WfW3.11. It even did this while Windows was running as a task under Taskmgr. I always run Windows this way and it works fine. IE5 worked OK as well, but it was no better than Opera and it was such a bloated beast it offended me. Alex. -- ____________________________ _______________________________ ( Alex Venn ) ( Success has many fathers, ) (_) aven AT ukgateway DOT net (____) but failure is an orphan. (_)