Message-Id: <> X-Sender: mt58779 AT tellus DOT swip DOT net X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 Demo (16) To: opendos AT delorie DOT com From: Bernie Subject: Re: Master/slave jumper settings Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 07:46:37 +0100 Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Pat wrote: >Look at the mess with modem standards: VFP, v.32/v.32bis. V.90, Kflex. >And the list just goes on and on and on, with no end in site. And what about the slots in the computer? You've got ISA, EISA, VLB, MCA-16, MCA-32, PCI and AGP. Such a comparison is just as stupid as the one you just did with modem standards. They are diffrent versions, although the "big 56K battle" wasn't of any use for anyone. >I now have a 58K moddem with both Kflex and v.90 and can get fast >connections no matter what I connect to. But with my old 28.8 VFP modem >I could not connect at 28.8 with many of the 33K and 56K modems out >there. Some of these connect would never go higher than 14.4. Why, >because of incomaptibility. No get a load of this. (snip) I had a problem just like yours. I could only connect with 14k4 to my first ISP. A class mate that had the same ISP and who lived out in "nowhere" was able to get higher speeds (28k8). Everywhere else I dialed (when I switched ISP and the few BBSes that were still operational at the time - 1995) worked just fine. I later sold the modem to another class mates brother when I got a 33k6 modem (that's supposed to be upgradable but I've never dared to try it - there was to much documentation to read ). //Bernie