From: "Matthias Paul" Organization: Rechenzentrum RWTH Aachen To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:04:49 +0100 Subject: Misc & errate regarding my recent postings X-mailer: Pegasus Mail v3.22 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Hi, I have collected a number of errate regarding my previous postings. Maybe this is of interest to some of you... -------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to possibly speed up DR-DOS frequent file access: FASTOPEN] Here's a bit more accurate info on FASTOPEN (from my NWDOSTIP.TXT file, see MPDOSTIP.ZIP): In DR-DOS CONFIG.SYS: FASTOPEN [=] hashbufsize [comments] hashbufsize=0..32768 - The default setting with current issues of the kernel is 0 (since Novell DOS 7 update 13). - On MS-DOS/PC-DOS the FASTOPEN value specifies the count of file entries and each entry costs 48 bytes. On the DR DOS family, the FASTOPEN value is the size of the hash buffer in bytes, and one file entry needs two bytes. - This is why the values differ so much between the OSes, and good FASTOPEN values for MS-DOS/PC-DOS are 40 or so. Using FASTOPEN=512, DR-DOS will consume more than 11 KB less memory than MS-DOS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to disable Windows 9x LFN support and ACCDATE] The following is compiled from various sources and should work at least with Windows 95 (original issue). Since I don't use Windows regularly, I have not yet tried this myself, and would appreciate feedback from those who want to get rid of long filenames and have the time to test. It's always a good idea to make a backup first. Disabling LFN support and ACCDATE should stop Windows 95 from disturbing DR-DOS passwords and other utilities such as DELWATCH, CHKDSK, etc. 1. Add the following line to your Windows 95 CONFIG.SYS file: ACCDATE=c:- d:- e:- f:- ... (for all drives, at least all the harddisks) and reboot. 2. Run Windows 95 SCANDISK on all drive(s) and repair any faults. 3. Defragment your drive(s) using Windows 95 DEFRAG. 4. Rename any long filenames on disk to match short filenames, all uppercase (e.g. use \Admin\Apptools\Lfnback\LFNBK.EXE from the Windows 95 CD-ROM). 5. You might need to (manually) reinstall some applications to only use short filenames as configuration directories and in their configuration files. The Registery entries need to be updated too. 6. Again, run Windows 95 SCANDISK and DEFRAG 7. Enter Explorer, double-click REGEDIT.EXE in the Windows 95 folder. - Click the '+' sign to navigate to this branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\control - Highlight FileSystem - Double click Win31FileSystem in the right plane - Press the delete key, and replace the 00 binary value by 01. Click OK - Close REGEDIT 8. Reboot your machine. 9. Boot Windows 95 10. Run SCANDISK and DEFRAG again Windows 95 should now no longer save any ACCDATE and LFN info in the reserved area of the directory entries, so that DR-DOS features and programs should not become broken any more. However, it may impose problems with some programs with fixed long filenames. This will probably not work on FAT32 drives because another word in the reserved area is used for the high word of the cluster, but since DR-DOS currently only accesses FAT32 drives via the redirector interface (via DRFAT32.SYS/.EXE), this should not impose new problems at the moment. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Regarding OpenDOS development tools: CDs containing legacy Borland products] These CDs were published in Germany, and you might still find them in some shops for a few DM. - Franzis CD (C 1995): ISBN 3-7723-6533-7 Turbo Pascal 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 Turbo C 2.0 Turbo Assembler 1.0 Turbo Debugger 1.0 Quick C 2.51 Macro Assembler 3.0 Visual C++ 1.0 Turbo Pascal 3.0 up to 5.5 & TPW 1.0 Modula 2.0 etc. - CHIP Special Programmierpraxis "Schatzkiste fuer Programmierer unter DOS und Windows" mit CD-ROM (c) 1994 ISBN 3-8259-1329-5 However, the problem with these is that they did not contain recent issues of TASM, and TASM 1.0 is not capable to compile the OpenDOS kernel, at least not with quite many changes in the sources... Matthias ------------------------------------------------------------------- Matthias Paul, Ubierstrasse 28, D-50321 Bruehl, Germany eMail: Web : -------------------------------------------------------------------