Message-Id: <> X-Sender: presp AT earthlink DOT net X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.5 (32) Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 15:19:33 -0800 To: opendos AT delorie DOT com From: Preston Petty Subject: Re: Various Questions In-Reply-To: <000601bf8821$a0753f40$8f74fea9@xl266> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Errors-To: dj-admin AT delorie DOT com X-Mailing-List: opendos AT delorie DOT com X-Unsubscribes-To: listserv AT delorie DOT com Precedence: bulk Is this it? (in part) README 23,683 .a.. 4-07-92 6:00:00 "Additional information This section of the Release Notes describes features of DR DOS 6.0 that are not explained elsewhere in the DR DOS 6.0 documentation. Microsoft Windows 3.1 DR DOS 6.0 is fully compatible with Microsoft Windows 3.1. The Windows 3.1 default drive for temporary swap files is the drive on which Windows was installed. If Windows is installed on a SuperStor drive it is recommended that users change the default drive for swap files to an uncompressed drive. This should be done for both temporary and permanent swap files. Use the 386 Enhanced option from Control Panel to change swap files. If Super PC-Kwik is already loaded when you install Windows 3.1, you are informed by the Windows SETUP program that SUPERPCK.EXE is running and you are warned that your system may fail; ignore this message and continue with the Windows installation procedure. Windows 3.1 makes changes to autoexec.bat and config.sys on installation. It is recommended that you make a backup of these files. By default, Windows installs the SMARTDrive disk cache program and the HIMEM.SYS memory manager. However, the DR DOS 6.0 disk cache, Super PC-Kwik, and the DR DOS 6.0 MemoryMAX drivers provide superior functionality over the Windows 3.1 SMARTDrive disk cache and HIMEM.SYS. To use Super PC-Kwik and the DR DOS MemoryMAX drivers, instead of SMARTDrive and HIMEM.SYS, you simply remove one line from your autoexec.bat and config.sys files. Edit autoexec.bat to remove the line C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE and edit config.sys to remove the line DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS The above lines should be removed after Windows 3.1 has been installed but prior to rebooting. If you are using the DR DOS 6.0 EMM386.SYS MemoryMAX driver, Windows may also replace the EMM386.SYS line in your config.sys file with the Windows EMM386.EXE line. As a result of this change, your system may generate an error message when rebooting. The EMM386 line should be changed back to its original form after installing Windows 3.1 for your system to boot properly. Refer to the backup of your config.sys to be sure that you have the correct syntax. The Windows 3.1 installation will also insert a STACKS command into the CONFIG.SYS. Even though DR DOS does not use a STACKS command the line can be left in CONFIG.SYS. No error will result. DR DOS 6.0 is compatible with both the SMARTDrive disk cache and with HIMEM.SYS. If you want to continue using these drivers, you must run the DR DOS SETUP program, and remove MemoryMAX and Super PC-Kwik. However, if you do use SMARTDrive instead of Super PC-Kwik, do not use the SMARTDrive + option to enable caching on a SuperStor compressed drive. Unexpected errors may result when this option is used. EMM386.SYS supports upper memory for Windows 3.1 running in Standard or Enhanced mode. You no longer need to use the /WINSTD option on the EMM386.SYS command line to run Windows 3.1 in Standard mode. NOTE: Machines that have LPT1 ports and are using NE2000 network cards configured for I/O address 360 have occasionally hung or had trouble running DOS applications under Windows 3.1. If this is encountered, try setting the NE2000 for a lower I/O address." Pres **** At 12:29 PM 3/7/00 +0900, you wrote: >Does anybody have the patch archive for DR-DOS (6?) that was release a >couple of week after MS Windows 3.11 hit the streets to overcome the problem >where the Windows installation would abort half way through if DR-DOS was >found? I think it was DR-DOS 6 and Win3.11 (not 3.1) but it's been quite a >while now. I'm particularly interested in the readme that was with the patch >and described both the problem and the fix. > > >Does anyone know if the old DR-DOS/Novell NDSG message list and file archive >from CompuServe are archived away somewhere and available for download? > > >Thanks >Mike Petrie > >mike AT petrie DOT u-net DOT com >WordSTAR Add-In for Word Home Page: > > > > >