To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 02:33:22 -0800 Subject: Re: I'm looking for stacker.bin Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: Juno 2.0.11 X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 2-5,13-14,18-19,22-23,33-36,41-44,50-59,61-82 X-Juno-Att: 0 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit From: ROBERT W MOSS Reply-To: opendos AT delorie DOT com hello Luca. I hope you have the original manual around because most of the fixes for your problem will need this documentation to interpret the stacker info and edit the files. Sorry for the long post. You did not say how you set up stacker, whether stacking the whole drive, the free space on the drive, or a partition on the drive. When you create a stacked drive, stacker normally, in effect, creates 'two' drives from your original if you are stacking the complete drive. One is compressed and one is un-compressed, for use for programs which don't work well with compression. If you start with C: you will have C: (but it will be the compressed volume, a hidden file called stacvol.dsk or stackvol.000), and D: (the uncompressed volume). D: is also the boot drive. Stacker.bin is a hidden file located in the root directory of the boot drive and is loaded into memory each time you boot, and manages the stacked drive. Stackvol.dsk and stacker.ini (also hidden) should also be on the boot disk, root directory. You should have a line in config.sys: devicehigh=c:\nwdos (or drdos?/or opndos)\ stackhigh.sys. this will load stacker.bin in upper or extended memory. If you used create to set up your drive stacker bin won' know about the drive and you will have to open stacker .ini using attrib and edit to give it the info it needs. You will need the original documentation manual to interpret this file. You have to copy it to another drive (floppy) to edit it. Rename it and the software won't know you are trying to edit it, which is a no-no for stacker. if you find no entries for your drive you would problably enter D:\stacvol.dsk ,sw (this tells the stacker bin that your stacked disk is d: and to swap d: for C: once the drive is mounted if you have only one hard disk or partition). then copy the file back again and set attrib rsh. Using setup will normally not leave you in this mess. **Run stacker to see if you can get a report on your drives. If you can't access the stacked drive, look for the hidden files on drive C: If they are in fact there, and you have access to the dos directory you can run chkdsk /s but this takes a very long time. you can also run chkdsk /wp if your stacker volume is set up as write protected. ***Next option, I would run setup off the original disks again. You also did not mention which stacker you used. I have loaded both ndos 7 and the original stacker versions. I had some problems with the ndos7 version but everything seems ok on my original stacker 4.0 version installation. Ndos sets up stacker as part of ndos but stacker sets up a seperate directory and appears to be a cleaner install. You may want to reinstall your stacker files if everything else fails.*** ------------------------- Bob 'doman' Moss - signing in from the north side of california.. * "Put 'buy choclate' at the top of your list of things to do today,* * then you'll be sure to get one thing done right'..* *"Remember, if you don't have chocolate you don't have food"!!!* =================================================  On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 11:08:38 +0100 Luca Barbieri writes: >hello, > > after downolading and installing Caldera dos without problems > I tryed to compress the disk, everything apparentely went fine, > but after rebooting .... I got an error message: no stacker found. > > and in fact there are no the stacker.bin and stacker .ini files > wich are required.... > > why ? > > and most important where I can find them ? > _____________________________________________________________________ >Ing. Luca Barbieri | Phone : +39-11- >Security Product Manager | >mailto:lbarbieri AT atos-group DOT com > >ATOS SpA v.Vaninetti 27 | >I-10148 Torino ITALY | Fax : +39-11-2203182 >___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]