Message-Id: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 To: From: Charles Hallenbeck <2ndsight AT taconic DOT net> Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 18:34:51 +0400 X-Mailer: Net-Tamer 1.12 beta Subject: hard disk problem fixed itself Hi folks, I recently posted about a fixed disk size problem -- fdisk gave conflicting information about the capacity of a second fixed disk on my system. Mark Aitchison helped me figure out the discrepancy -- my bios said the disk had 32 heads, but it somehow had been configured with only 16. I used fdisk to delete the remaining DOS partition on the disk, freeing up all the space, and it suddenly forgot all about the 16 head parameter, showed me all the true space as available, and then it partitioned and formatted correctly. Chuck Second Sight Software