To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Message-Id: Organization: Inst. of Evolutionary Physiology & Biochemistry, St.Petersburg From: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su (Pavel Ozerski) Date: Mon, 21 Sep 98 12:15:56 +0300 Reply-To: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su Subject: Old bug in 7.03 beta Precedence: bulk I found that the COMMAND.COM from 7.03 beta contains an old good bug: HILOAD/BAT conflict. Symptom: The commands HILOAD, LH, LOADHIGH cannot be applied to .BAT files if there are free UMBs available. The command HILOAD A.BAT causes the message "Batch files nested too deeply" instead executing the batch file. This bug is known me also in 7.02 version, I sent messages about it to OpenDOS mailing list (opendos AT delorie DOT com) but without reactions from OS developers. -- Pavel V. Ozerski | Inst. of Evolutionary Physiology & Biochemistry, office +7 (812)552-6870(291)| Russian Academy of Sciences, FAX +7 (812)552-3012 | Thorez pr. 44, St.Petersburg, 194223, Russia home +7 (812)528-5576 | E-mail: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su