Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 16:48:11 +1200 (NZST) From: Eric Gillespie To: Charles Hallenbeck <2ndsight AT taconic DOT net> cc: opendos AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: apps that argue with DPMI In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Precedence: bulk On Sat, 4 Jul 1998, Charles Hallenbeck wrote: :: ::Hi, ::My DRDOS is configured with the emm386 parameter "dpmi=on" which I believe ::is required because I am using nwcache and taskmgr. Everything is working ::well, except for two programs which crash the system unless I first turn ::DPMI off before running them. ::One of those programs is "unzip386.exe" which I got with my DJGPP software, Any program run under DJGPP will crash under DR-ROS/OpenDOS DPMI - for some strange reason, the DPMI spec isn't implemented the same way for DR-DOS, causing some programs real headaches when they run to what is _supposed_ to be the real spec - talk to the DJGPP people about the details...and no, I don't know what the differences are (wish I did though) ::and the other is the Borland MAKE utility included in my C++ 4.51 package. ::My solution has been to imbed those commands in a batch file which first ::turns dpmi off, runs the utility, then turns it on again before exiting. ::Is there a better solution? Is this a trouble sign that I should take more ::seriously? Just curious. :: ::Chuck ::Second Sight Software :: ::Net-Tamer V 1.11 - Registered :: /| _,.:*^*:., |\ Cheers from the Viking family, including Marmalade | |_/' viking@ `\_| | Running Linux and OpenDOS in Christchurch! | flying-brick | $FunnyMail 5.38 C.S. Lewis: If Man has no God, \ then where did Man's morals come from?