Message-Id: <> Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 15:20:08 +0100 To: opendos AT delorie DOT com From: Mike Vince Subject: Re: call in autoexec In-Reply-To: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Precedence: bulk I tried running startnet with and without the call and with and without the ?. With call or ? call startnet I have a problem with startnet without call but just the line C:\NWCLIENT\STARTNET.BAT procomm runs ok. Here are dconfig.sys and autodos7.bat in case they include a clue. Hardware is PC Chips board with 32Mbyte ram and IBM P200 processor. Probably not relevent but who knows? This is the PC I mentioned previously that copying to com ports crashed the system. I noted some mail on caldera's list where you mentioned fixing the com ports witm COM1=3f8 etc, this or fixing the ports in the bios setup (was set to auto I now set the port addresses) stopped the crashes :) I now get divide error when I try copying to the port :( I know the port and connections are OK as I can access them with procomm. The other oddity on this PC is that when I shell out of Borland turbo C IDE, there is path or variables set. When I shell out of other programs including procomm the path and set variables are OK. DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.EXE MULTI DPMI=ON FRAME=AUTO /R=AUTO /xmsumb DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\DPMS.EXE DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\SETVER.EXE SHELLHIGH size=2180 C:\DRDOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DRDOS\ /E:512 /P:AUTODOS7.BAT BREAK=ON BUFFERShigh=25 FILEShigh=40 FCBShigh=4,4 LASTDRIVE=Z HISTORY=ON,512,OFF COUNTRY=44,,C:\DRDOS\COUNTRY.SYS DEVICEHIGH=C:\DRDOS\VDISK.SYS 15872 128 64 /E device=sgidecd.sys/d:cd0 @ECHO Off PATH C:\DRDOS;C:\NWCLIENT;C:\;d:\windows;c:\tv;c:\nu;c:\prog\bm2;c:\prog\tc\bin;c :\c51v5\bin lh c:\drdos\nwcdex /s /d:cd0 /e KEYB UK+ VERIFY OFF lh c:\mouse\mouse PROMPT [DR-DOS] $P$G SET TEMP=c:\tmp IF NOT DIREXIST %TEMP% MD %TEMP% SET DRDOSCFG=C:\DRDOS SHARE /L:20 NWCACHE 7670 1024 /LEND=ON /DELAY=OFF set tmp=e:\ set c51inc=c:\c51v5\inc set c51lib=c:\c51v5\lib set pcplus=c:\prog\procomm ?call C:\NWCLIENT\STARTNET.BAT Mike >> The question is what does call from autodos7 do that is different than >> running a batch file from the prompt? > >At the moment I have no suspicion, what could be going wrong there. > >CALL stores away the current environment, so that the flow of >execution of the batchjob (usually, see below) will continue with the >line after the call, once the called program or batchjob is finished. >CALLs can be nested to some extend, and AFAIK the limit of the nesting >level was enhanced with DR-OpenDOS 7.02+. If you omit the CALL in >front of STARTNET.BAT, the execution will just branch to the new >file without return (as it is the last line of AUTOEXEC.BAT there >should be no difference - please try it). > >However, as CALL does not start a new copy of the shell and the >heap is handled internally, there should actually be no difference >in the memory footprint even when using CALL. > >Strange indeed. > > Matthias p.s. Found Amstrad master disk marked dos plus 1.0u. Ran on my Amstrad 1512 and it reported v1.2 :( Remember copying later versions of Amstrad software over earlier masters, whether this was one I cant remember.