Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 14:51:10 +0100 From: Matthias Paul Subject: Re: QEMM and DR-DOS To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Reply-to: Matthias DOT Paul AT post DOT rwth-aachen DOT de Message-id: <> Organization: Rechenzentrum RWTH Aachen Precedence: bulk On Wed, 20 May 1998 I wrote: > Some months ago, I have written an automated patch for this problem, > and I may post it here in a few days, so that all people who prefer > using QEMM over using Windows (or have a very late issue of Windows > 3.1x installed) can take advantage of both. Well, I had a look through the archives, and here it is: ------ ; Copyright (C) 1997,1998 by Matthias Paul. All rights reserved. ; ; eMail: ; ; This is provided "AS IS". Use at your own risk! ; No warranty of any kind. No support! ; ; Never run on other files than IBMBIO.COM of DR-OpenDOS 7.02 or ; DR-DOS 7.02+. However, it is not garanteed that this patch will ; continue to work with future issues of DR-DOS, though it s unlikely ; to become broken. (You can retrieve the version number with ; "VERSION IBMBIO.COM")! Never use older versions of DEBUG than ; DEBUG R1.50+! ; ; Description: Caldera DR-OpenDOS 7.02+ DEBUG 1.50+ script to patch ; the IBMBIO.COM file to allocate only 5 instead of 8 ; handles during [[O]D]CONFIG.SYS. (NB. ODCONFIG.SYS was ; only supported by DR-OpenDOS 7.02.) ; ; Purpose: 1. This patch fixes a problem with Quarterdeck's ; QEMM DOS-UP, which refuses to relocate DOS sub- ; structures, resulting in about 1 Kb less total ; conventional memory. ; 2. The fix also gives about 150 bytes more ; conventional memory on systems, where handles are ; loaded into UMBs using the new FILESHIGH/FCBSHIGH ; directives. ; Drawback: 1. MS Windows 3.xx probably will not run after ; applying this patch to IBMBIO.COM. Instead, it ; will display: "Unsupported version of MS-DOS" on ; startup. Note, that at least MS WfW 3.11 still runs ; without problems. ; If you have success running a different version of ; MS Windows after applying this patch, I would be ; pleased to get your feedback. ; ; HowTo: 1. Remove the attributes from the IBMBIO.COM file. ; 2. Copy a backup copy of the file onto a bootable ; floppy disk. ; 3. Run DEBUG < ibmbio85.scr in the root directory of ; your boot drive. ; 4. Apply the old attributes to the IBMBIO.COM file. ; ; Version : 1.02 ; Last edit : 1998-05-20 MPAUL ; /X ; Enter extended DEBUG mode ; Name & load the BIOS from disk ; (+100h) L R ax=cx ; Save file length R cx=0 ; Search for 1st match and store ; loc. in CX -S cs:100 L ax+100 "IBMDOS",20,20 R dx=cx ; Store location in DX (0 if not ; found) R cx=0 ; Search for 1st match and store ; loc. in CX -S cs:dx-A L 1 4 ;-S cs:dx-A L 1 1 ; [To revert the patch modify above ; line!] ; If CX is zero, the correct ; DEF_NUM_FILES value (4) was not ; found, hence the patch does not ; alter the file (it's directed ; into dummy PSP at offset +0h). ; Otherwise DEF_NUM_FILES is ; patched from 4 to 1. E cs:cx 1 ;E cs:cx 4 ; [To revert the patch modify above ; line!] R cx=ax ; Restore file length ; Write the BIOS back to disk W Q ; Quit DEBUG ------- This might also give a good demonstration of some of the powerful & advanced features of Caldera s DEBUG. Hope it helps, Matthias -------------------------------------------------------------------- Matthias Paul, Ubierstrasse 28, D-50321 Bruehl, GERMANY eMail: Web : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Caldera Digital Research Systems/OpenLinux: --------------------------------------------------------------------