To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Message-Id: Organization: Inst. of Evolutionary Physiology & Biochemistry, St.Petersburg From: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su (Pavel Ozerski) Date: Mon, 18 May 98 14:13:45 +0300 Reply-To: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su Subject: Re: QEMM and DR-DOS, Re: Memory optimization help Precedence: bulk I will report my experience in DR-DOS memory configuring and answer to some questions about memory management. The smallest HISHELL SIZE=... value to load the native 7.02 COMMAND.COM into HMA is 2160. The QDK DOS-UP feature is not compatible with DR-DOS 7.02. If you use QEMM with DR-DOS 7.02 then (as I think) you can make much free conventional memory without using DOS-UP.SYS (use HIFILES, HIFCBS, HISTACKS, HISHELL instead). As I found, you can also use QEMM without QDeck LOADHI.SYS and LOADHI.COM (at least if you don't use stealth mode): HIDEVICE and HILOAD can very good understand QEMM's UMBs. But please don't mix HIDEVICE/HILOAD and LOADHI.* in the same system. Also using QDK Optimize is not unnecessary. The result of Optimize on my computer is not better than using only DR-DOS hiloading. Also (HI)INSTALL will be possible (this feature is incompatible with DOS-UP). I have 626K (602 under Windows 3.11) of available conventional memory with DPMS loaded and without QDK LOADHI (in the UMB's are localized: the WfW IFSHLP.SYS, SETVER, the mouse driver, the third-party cyrillic support driver, SHARE, NWCACHE and Norton Commander). Note: if you use QEMM with DR-DOS hiloading don't use SHARE /MH; HILOAD SHARE works OK and loads it into HMA if possible. My QEMM loading lines in CONFIG.SYS: YEAR2000=OFF DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS RAM R:2 I=F000-F6FF YEAR2000=ON The trick with YEAR2000 is necessary for the QuickBoot support. DOS=HIGH,UMB must be after QEMM386.SYS loading. To resolve memory management / WfW network conflict HISTORY must be ON (cause - ?!) -- Pavel V. Ozerski | Inst. of Evolutionary Physiology & Biochemistry, office +7 (812)552-6870(291)| Russian Academy of Sciences, FAX +7 (812)552-3012 | Thorez pr. 44, St.Petersburg, 194223, Russia home +7 (812)528-5576 | E-mail: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su