Message-Id: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 To: <2ndsight AT taconic DOT net> From: "Mark AT BlinkLink DOT NET AKA" CC: Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 17:16:36 +0400 Subject: Re: Windows 3.11 and DR DOS 7.02. Precedence: bulk Hi Chuck, Go and take the fileshigh and make it files not high, and take the fcbshigh and make that fcbs only also not high. Try it that way and let me know I think that'll work. I have used the multi=on and the /xmumbs both and they don't seem to cause the emm error like the fcbs and files loaded high does. Mark On 1998-05-18 2ndsight AT taconic DOT net said: 2n>Hi listers, 2n>I hope somebody has some suggestions. I installed DR DOS 7.02 about 2n>a month ago, and at that time I tested all my major applications, 2n>including Win3.11 to make sure they would run. They all did. During 2n>the past month I have been fine tuning my DOS, experimenting with 2n>the task manager, disk caching, stuffing upper memory blocks, and 2n>the like, but not rechecking all my applications after every change. 2n>I do not often run Windows, but I have one or two things that 2n>require it. Today for the first time in a long while I tried 2n>running one of them, and found that Windows no longer runs under DR 2n>DOS. It quits while loading with the message: 2n>Error: Unsupported MSDOS version. 2n>Then my memory manager reports an error somewhere and advises me to 2n>reboot immediately. 2n>I tried adding " 6.22" to my setver.exe to no avail. 2n>I tried removing "share" and "taskmger" from my autoexec.bat also 2n>to no avail. I tried taking the "xmsumb" option off the emm386 2n>command line (the latest change I recall having made) to no avail. 2n>If it will be helpful, I include my configuration files below. Any 2n>suggestions would be greatly appreciated... 2n>-------config.sys------- 2n>DEVICE=C:\OPENDOS\EMM386.EXE MULTI DPMI=ON FRAME=NONE xmsumb 2n>DEVICE=C:\OPENDOS\DPMS.EXE 2n>DEVICE=C:\OPENDOS\DBLBUF.SYS 2n>HIBUFFERS=5 2n>FILESHIGH=50 2n>FCBSHIGH=4,0 2n>STACKS=0 2n>DOS=HIGH,UMB 2n>LASTDRIVE=J 2n>DEVICEHIGH=C:\OURS\PROVOX.EXE 2n>DEVICEHIGH=C:\CDROMDRV\CDMKE43.SYS /D:MVCD001 /R /SBP:220 2n>DEVICEHIGH=C:\MAIN\SJDRIVER.SYS 2n>DEVICEHIGH=C:\SB16\DRV\CTSB16.SYS /UNIT=0 /BLASTER=A:220 I:5 D:1 H:5 2n>DEVICEHIGH=C:\SB16\DRV\CTMMSYS.SYS 2n>DEVICEHIGH=C:\OPENDOS\ANSI.SYS 2n>DEVICEHIGH=C:\WINDOWS\IFSHLP.SYS 2n>DEVICE=C:\OPENDOS\SETVER.EXE 2n>BREAK=ON 2n>FASTOPEN=512 2n>history=off 2n>COUNTRY=1,,C:\OPENDOS\COUNTRY.SYS 2n>SHELL=C:\4DOS600\4DOS.COM C:\4DOS600\ /P 2n>-------autoexec.bat------- 2n>@ECHO Off 2n>PATH 2n>C:\OPENDOS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\MAIN;C:\OURS;C:\DOSFAX;C:\NDW;C:\BC45\BIN;C 2n>:\J FW;C:\ SET SOUND=C:\SB16 2n>SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 2n>SET MIDI=SYNTH:1 MAP:E 2n>C:\SB16\DIAGNOSE /S 2n>C:\SB16\MIXERSET /P /Q 2n>for %%1 in ( f g h i j ) do subst %%1: d:\drive.%%1 2n>if not exist g:*.* goto nofiles 2n>for %%1 in (g:*.*) do del %%1 >nul 2n>:nofiles 2n>PROMPT $p$g 2n>set cdpath=c:\;d:\;f:\;g:\;h:\;i:\;j:\; 2n>set djgpp=c:\djgpp\djgpp.env 2n>set go32_v2_debug=y 2n>set PCTV=/BW 2n>LH NWCDEX /D:mvcd001 /L:E /V 2n>VERIFY OFF 2n>SHARE /L:20 2n>nwcache 2048 256 C:+ D:+ /DELAY=ON 2n>njtidy /n 2n>d: 2n>njtidy /n 2n>c: 2n>beep ^ timer 2n>diskopt c: /m1 /o 2n>timer ^ beep ^ timer 2n>diskopt d: /m1 /o 2n>timer ^ beep 2n>set bpath=;c:\brief\macros 2n>set bbackup=c:\backup 2n>set bhelp=c:\brief\help 2n>set bflags=-i120r -mCH 2n>SET TMP=C:\temp 2n>SET TEMP=C:\temp 2n>IF NOT DIREXIST %TEMP% MD %TEMP% 2n>SET OPENDOSCFG=C:\OPENDOS 2n>SET TMPDIR=C:\temp 2n>set tz=cst6cdt 2n>set editor=c:\ours\sss7.exe 2n>set whereis=-f -e -a 2n>set .nms=c:\ours\names.exe 2n>set .zip=c:\ours\unzip.bat 2n>lh C:\4DOS600\KSTACK.COM 2n>lh lpt1:80,6,P 2n> com2:9600,n,8,1 2n>echo atz > com2 2n> com3:9600,n,8,1,b 2n>lh print /D:com3 2n>c:\ahd\ahd3 2n>taskmgr /s 2n>pv dtpc 2n>chekcmos 2n>Chuck 2n>Second Sight Software 2n>Net-Tamer V 1.11 - Registered