Message-Id: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 To: From: "Mark AT BlinkLink DOT com AKA" CC: Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:11:46 +0500 Subject: Re: uninstall failure update Precedence: bulk On 1998-02-25 fran AT isis DOT demon DOT co DOT uk said: fb>>still at times causing total crashing. What I have determined fb>>that for some reason I cannot have the "high" command for the fb>>files or fcbs and also is that when I have the fileshigh or fb>>fcbshigh used in the config a emm386 error is always made when fb>>trying to enter W31. This is the time it happens most frequently *I have also used the xmsumb in the emm386 line! fb>I followed the same route, but I have everything "high" and, much fb>to my surprise, have yet to have a crash since I changed the EMM386 fb>setup. I'll admit that I hardly ever use Windows, though. fb>that 7.02 defaults to XMS calls to upper memory being *disabled*, fb>while all earlier versions had them enabled, I added the XMSUMB fb>parm to the EMM386 command line. This also allows taskmgr to load fb>Fran. ***Any other suggestions?