Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 16:54:15 -0800 Message-Id: <> From: aw585 AT lafn DOT org (Dallas Legan) To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Subject: RFC Reply-To: aw585 AT lafn DOT org Precedence: bulk I'm forwarding this from the DOS-Emu (DOS emulator for LINUX) (linux-msdos-digest / Majordomo AT vger DOT rutgers DOT edu) mailing list (with H. Lermen's permission) to get opinions from the people on OpenDOS. (I'm not trolling for flames, (just reasoned reactions) honest! :-) ) ------------------------------ From: Hans Lermen Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:57:03 +0100 (MET) Subject: Re: DOSEMU's redirectoed drive letters On Tue, 9 Dec 1997 quinn AT up-cbruster DOT unl DOT edu wrote: > I am having problems with DOSEMU 0.66.7 on Intel RedHat 4.2. I have > it up and running and it runs most apps fine, but I have one > application that requires drives L,M,N,O,P, so I created them using > lredir. My problem is that on these drives, I must call a file by > the full 8.3 name. If I have a batch file called go.bat, I must run > it by typing go.bat, I can't start it by typing go. This was reported to happen with non-MS DOSes (DRDOS and successors). It looks like to be a bug in I would appreciate, if you could manage to test with an alternative (such as 4dos) and report back. Hans ------------------------------ Regards, Dallas E. Legan II (562) 862 - 4854 ext. '*' D <- Parse this, SpamBots! :-) A ****************************************************** L "But I found that the Rulers were L L A L ordinary men, too, and frequently E E W A as bewildered as I was." G G 5 S "Solution Unsatisfactory", A A 8 I Robert A. Heinlein N N 5 I ****************************************************** @ OR @ OR @ OR @ I speak only for myself, and assume A F L K full responsibility for my statements. C I A I M G F N . . N C O O . Y R R O B G G R . G C O M