To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Message-Id: Organization: Inst. of Evolutionary Physiology & Biochemistry, St.Petersburg From: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su (Pavel Ozerski) Date: Tue, 27 Jan 98 12:21:53 +0300 Reply-To: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su Subject: QEMM incompatibility??? Precedence: bulk My attempt to use QEMM 7.52 with the final release of DR DOS 7.02 caused at least 2 problems: 1. Quick Boot does not work. Message of QEMM386: "Disabling QuickBoot because QEMM could not locate the ROM handler of INT 1A" 2. DOS-UP feature does not work. Messages of DOS-UP: "DOS Sub-Segment is unmoveable", "DOS Sub-Segment skipped", "Freed EMS handle 1" Qdeck Manifest shows DOS code in the conventional memory. Note: I tested keywords in CONFIG.SYS: DOS=High,UMB and HIDOS=ON What I must do to use QEMM? -- Pavel V. Ozerski | Inst. of Evolutionary Physiology & Biochemistry, office +7 (812)552-6870(291)| Russian Academy of Sciences, FAX +7 (812)552-3012 | Thorez pr. 44, St.Petersburg, 194223, Russia home +7 (812)528-5576 | E-mail: pavel AT insect DOT ief DOT spb DOT su