Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 03:08:26 -0500 (EST) From: Jude Dashiell To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Subject: download beta Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Precedence: bulk The ftp solution may work running lynx. I'll try it and let the list know. This will bypass passwords in the future though if it has to be done for future versions and therefore make the downloads useless. What probably ought to be done to eliminate this whole problem is for list membership to be made conditional on filling out that form caldera has on their web page but having that form emailed to new list members so they can fill it out with their own editors on their own systems and have better control of how information added to the form eventually looks. The digest membership proably ought to be made similar. One of the critical data points is an email address. Caldera at whatever location could make a list of valid email addresses useable as passwords accessible to a restricted ftp directory for beta downloading. Their form for this purpose is incomplete in any event. One question that doesn't appear on it is: list any inactive email addresses caldera corporation has on file for you: With that information, when users change email providers their database could be properly culled and maintained. Another possible solution and only D.J. Delorie can answer this point would be for members to be sent a 72 hour beta attachment message which says in about 72 hours from the date on this message a message will be emailed to your inbox containing an attachment of a new opendos beta. Of course use of and other similar email providers would have to be refused membership since that "service" only has a 500 line limit on email messages. I don't know that the server over at would be able to handle the traffic size of that many large attachments being sent to everyone on the list. Jude