Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 20:14:11 -0500 (EST) From: Nissim To: OpenDOS Subject: Good bootloader In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Precedence: bulk Just so no one goes out and buys an expensive bootloader.. there is a shareware (or maybe post-card-ware) bootloader called Beret's system Loader or BSL.. it's pretty easy to use and worked with MS, Linux and OD 7.0 as far as I've testeted.. (well, I had to run FIPS first) It's available on Simtel in the msdos/bootutil/bsl_*.zip file. /~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~\ \ Nissim Chudnoff / / Email: nissim AT mindless DOT com \ \ WWW: / /~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~\ \ C:\DOS C:\DOS\RUN RUN\DOS\RUN RUN\RUN\RUN / /~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~\