Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 14:08:21 RST From: ark AT mpak DOT convey DOT ru (-= ArkanoiD =-) Reply-To: ark AT mpak DOT convey DOT ru Message-Id: <> To: crough45 AT amc DOT de Cc: opendos AT delorie DOT com Subject: Re: ClosedDOS??? Organization: International Brownian Movement Lines: 87 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: bulk nuqneH, In message <97Sep12.120508gmt+0100 DOT 11649 AT internet01 DOT amc DOT de> Christopher Croughton writes: > > > Yep,i use it too but i can't call it "a _good_ vt100 emulation". > > It works with the places I've tried. Although most real VT100s wouldn't, > in fact - the VT100 is very limited by modern standards (yes, I do have > one, a real DEC VT100). [Assume we are not speaking about original vt100 without memory option. they are _really_ rare thins] Hmm really? I have one too (built-in my Digital Rainbow) - and i've _never_ seen _any_ emulator close to it - even in graphical environments like MacOS (yep,i have a Macintrash,just for fun) or windoze. No smooth scrolling, no double height/double width characters.. And i've _never_ had any problems with Unix or VMS software and real vt100. Most of the emulators are far from real vt100 even if you don't mind those excellent things - when i try to use smth like say,term90 from Norton Commander and elm on unix system or irc client or smth like that i have to press ^L every few seconds to keep something on the screen because emulation is buggy! about vt102.{com|sys}.. the thing it does not have is graphic characters. > > > Which other features does PCDOS have that I don't already have? > > > > Utility set that is much better than M$ - compressed filesystem (Stacker), > > disk defragmentation software (Central Point) other things like that.. > > MSDOS 6.22 has a compressed filesystem, which I deleted as soon as I could > - I have an intense dislike of those things. Too much RAM, too slow and > make recovering data near impossible. PC DOS 7 has Stacker,really the best one. _far_ better than doublespace (or how was it called)? > It has DEFRAG, based on the Norton/Symantec defragmenter. Not very > configurable (it complains about 'unreadable' files but doesn't tell > you which ones or allow you to override it, for instance) but a lot > faster than the Norton one. I always prefered Central Point one.. btw i've seen disks with contents damaged with Symantec defragmenter - and never seen any damaged by CP. > > > Why? I'm not trying to be contentious, I'm interested in what you see as > > > deficiencies in 6.22. I upgraded from 5.0, you see, and I saw it as an > > > upgrade. > > > > Hmm and what new features have you got? I just could not get the "upgrade" > > feeling.. > > Defrag, undelete and help, at least (and all of them dropped in DOS7, > at least as DOS utilities; there are some Win95/GUI versions of them). Help and undelete were there from v5.. and i already have defrag program. > Was 5 still using EDLIN, or did they have EDIT by then? I don't > remember quite what was in 5. I think replacing gwbasic and edlin with qbasic and edit was a _major_ mistake.. > Less base memory, certainly With QEMM - no. > (although > on a machine with just base memory 3.3 was the last really usable > version), Sure.. I can't figure out why some idiot burned ROM DOS 5.0 to my mec v30 palmtop.. > that was one of the selling points. Better SMARTDRV. SMARTDRV can not be better or worse,it is complete _shit_. ..and delayed write with it is _dangerous_,it damages data! Use any pd cache instead. > So why do you think 5 is better? Is it more stable in your experience? Somehow.. -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Must be a visit from the dead.. _| o |_ | | _|| | / _||_| |_ |_ |_ CU in Hell .......... Arkan#iD |_ o _||_| _||_| / _| | o |_||_||_|