Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 08:56:30 +1100 From: Bill Currie Subject: Re: ClosedDOS??? In-reply-to: To: Paul W Brannan Cc: opendos AT delorie DOT com Message-id: <> Organization: Tait Electronics Limited MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT References: <199709082145 DOT JAA07266 AT teleng1 DOT tait DOT co DOT nz> Comments: Authenticated sender is Precedence: bulk On 9 Sep 97 at 13:00, Paul W Brannan wrote: > > Bah, why worry about it? Roll your own utils. Or use djgpp. The > > only thing I don't know how to do (that I'm interested in) is format > > drives. But I'll figure that out eventually. > > Do you have source for a 386 memory manager??!? Sort of... It's a partial implementation of xms for the OS kernel I'm working on. > > > You've got the kernel sources; DEFINE your own set of utilities and > > hang Caldera (if that's what you want to do). > > I think it would be nicer to have the sources to OpenDOS's utils. Oh, most definitly! I'm still hoping for a change of heart from Caldera. My comment was more a bitch about all the bitching.:) But seriously. IF you like/want to use OpenDos, need to fix it etc, write your own utils. I'm actually working on an improved lfn driver. My plans for it are: optional case sensitivity, 386 instructions (but still real mode only? xms?), better short/long name handling, path caching (longname.exe is SLOW, about 3 tree scans per operation for most functions), and anything else I think of. Bill -- Leave others their otherness.