To: opendos AT delorie DOT com Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 23:33:34 -0700 Subject: Hello Message-ID: <> From: echooff AT juno DOT com (Lawerence L Nelson) Precedence: bulk All: This is my first go around with a mailing list. I have been subscribed for a couple of months and have enjoyed your posts concerning OpenDOS but just as I thought I might jion in the fun I realized Ihad lost track of the address. I scrounged through a couple of messages I had saved and in the headers I found what I think might be a clue. I rely need one about now. If I'v managed to get to the OpenDOS mail list could someone please shoot me back a "5 x 5" at < echooff AT juno DOT com >. TKS to you all and here's hopeing....... :L8r Larry Nelson