Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Alaric B. Williams" To: Nicholas R LeRoy Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 18:10:57 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: Re: EXT2 filesystem information Reply-to: alaric AT abwillms DOT demon DOT co DOT uk CC: opendos AT delorie DOT com In-reply-to: <9705070822.ZM13582@dopey> References: alaric AT abwillms DOT demon DOT co DOT uk "~OD: Re: EXT2 filesystem information" (May 6, 5:21pm) Message-ID: <> Precedence: bulk REPLY VIA EMAIL ONLY, PLEASE! I AM POSTING ONE POSTINGFULL OF MY STANDARD ANTI-UNIX LECTURE PURELY TO SUBSTANTIATE MY CLAIM! THANKS! > > "We mustn't forget to carefully study what has been done before. > > The UNIX guys didn't, and look what they ended up with" :-) > The most powerful and open operating system available. I'll give you "the most open", but the only "power" aspect the UNIX approach has is that there are lots of tools compatible with it. Momentum - which is also how Microsoft works; backwards compatability rather than striving for something new and better. > The OS for which C was created. Another negative point :-) C is a portable assembler - a type-unsafe language that's bound to inefficient hardware models (von Neumann CPU). > The OS which gave us pipes and I/O redirection. IE, the only inter-application and persistent data type is the string (another name for a file). This is un-typesafe - all that guessing about magic numbers - and awkward for the programmer - IBM found something like a 20% reduction in code size and execution times when they went to an object-based persistence system. > The OS which gave us a choice in shells. I don't know about that one... it was bound to happen anyway, though? > The OS that gave us the "device looks > like a file" concept. See the above note about the evils of "it's all just a byte stream"! > The OS which gave us all this and more.... Yeah :-/ > Sorry about the ranting, but it pains me to hear unsupported crap like that, > most of which comes from people who have never actually USED Unix. I've used UNIX, Linux specifically, to my horror! > The M$ FUD engine at work. Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds are more similar than many people think... the only difference is relative interest in money and power... > OpenDOS is an exciting new alternative to the M$ monopoly. Politically, yes, and technologically, slightly. It's the politics that's really important, since MS's politics are evil! > That's exactly > why Ray Norada created it from Novel DOS. Let's all stick together in the > battle against the Evil Empire. Let's cast the M$ monopoly into Mt > Doom from whence it came and free the world. Cool! When's the sequel coming out? :-) > Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question. The answer > is No. Now, are you assuming I like Microsoft? Their OSs are basically UNIX underneath, you know - especially NT. > -Nick ABW -- Alaric B. Williams (alaric AT abwillms DOT demon DOT co DOT uk) ---<## OpenDOS FAQ ##>--- Plain HTML: Fancy HTML: