Message-Id: Date: Tue, 29 Apr 97 08:14 NZST Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: pierre AT tycho DOT com From: Lorier Subject: Re: Usage of directory entries Cc: OpenDOS Developer Mailing List Precedence: bulk >Well, actually, Red Hat is now (with release 4.0 and 4.1) about just as >easy as Windows 95. Just that instead of a "Typical, Complete, Laptop, >Custom" radio-button choice, you get a couple of checkboxes with things >like "Multimedia Software", "Web server", "FTP server" and so on, >separated by general functionality instead of actual packages. There two >buttons at the bottom and a checkbox: Install, Cancel and "Select each >packages manually" (for the more knowledgeable, but still it takes what >you select in the checkboxes as defaults). Yeah, I think that trying to tell each other that linux is the best OS ever we could waste a lot less time by saying "RH Linux is simply the best" and leave the advocacy for non-converts :) I tend to be one to do things the hardway :) (Dunno why, I just do, although it usually means I end up getting stuff to work thats "impossible" :) That sounds better than I recall, but still people haven't heard of a "web server" or a "ftp server" or a "multimedia software" :) >The install itself is much better and easier than Win95. To be more on the >same level, we should compare with Windows NT 4.0 Server instead, no? You >have to create 3 boot disk and the installation is not quite as easy and >you lack a ton of things (like, you install the web server but you still >have stuff to do to make it work, with Red Hat, you just open up a browser >and it works (with a demo page telling how to put your own pages in >there))... Yeah, I recently installed http for RH :) it was nice and easy :) I'll have to find out how the httpd server sets up under NT :) >Red Hat 4.1 blows both Win 95 and Win NT to smithereens. In every aspects. Yep!! :)