Message-Id: <> Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Jim Lefavour" Organization: No Way Out To: grendel AT hoth DOT amu DOT edu DOT pl, OpenDOS Developer Mailing List Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 00:00:02 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: Re: User friendly OS Was: Re: Usage of directory entries Reply-to: jamesl AT albany DOT net In-reply-to: <> References: <199704270414 DOT AAA13194 AT keeper DOT albany DOT net> Precedence: bulk > Once upon a time (on 26 Apr 97 at 12:16) Jim Lefavour said: > > > Unfortunately, someone has to set that up, and people "spoiled" on > > Windows systems can be easily intimidated by the setup of first the > > kernel, then the X windows system, then the boot-up files, and not > > to mention the internet access - not exactly Joe DOSuser's idea of > > user-friendly :-) > > > > We need to keep this in mind when developing our system - keep it as > > simple as possible to set up, so that anyone can do it (this I am > > familiar with :-) > As I said it befor - it just needs one good configuration utility to do all > the stuff. Everything may be complicated at will - as long as Joe DOS* ;-) > doesn't get into the mud, everything will work OK, won't it? Exactly - with any powerful OS, there is the potential for a user to "mess things up" but a good config util will go a long way :-) Jim jamesl AT albany DOT net Please also visit: