Message-Id: Date: Fri, 18 Apr 97 21:57 NZST Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: pierre AT tycho DOT com From: Lorier Subject: Re: Usage of directory entries Cc: opendos-developer AT delorie DOT com Precedence: bulk At 12:20 AM 18/04/97 -0400, Pierre Phaneuf wrote: >On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Alaric B. Williams wrote: > >> > I think we should have a system for installing File systems. MSCDEX has >> > some funny scheme for using installable file systems, how it works I dont >> > know, but I think it overrides most of int 21h to do it. >> >> Already been pointed out... we want a mounting system, definitely! > >Being the excessive kind of person I am, can we have single-rooted too? >;-) Both the cake *and* the icing! Or at least being able to mount a >drive into another drive's directory, like a pseudo-single-root. That >would help a lot for system administration of things like BBSes and web >sites, where you see you have too much stuff on a drive, buy another, have >to change all references from D: to E:... In all the 6,342 places. I'm not sure I understand what your saying but... I like the system of having one large directory tree... it's nice & neat... but it gets annoying when you have to copy files from /usr/local/lib/src/proggie/proggie.tgz to ~ftp/pub/linux/source/proggie/latest/ and gets even worse when you have multiple files that are all in the wrong places :) Having C:\ and D:\ and E:\ all point to the same place would be great, you could cd C:\usr/local/lib/src etc, have D: point to your ftp site etc... Although I spose you can almost do this with assign/subst/join.... While I'm here I'd like to put in a comment for adding functionality to (hmm isn't taken, someone want to register it for caldera/opendos?), I love the extra functionality 4dos allows, but unfortunately I don't spend so much time in dos... For Opendos to have Batch scripting of a level at least partially that of 4dos you would have a very powerfull language. I don't like the way Microsoft has dumbed down to the level of intolerable idiocy in its latest operating systems.