Message-Id: <> Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Mark Habersack" Organization: PPP (Pesticide Powered Pumpkins) To: "yeep" Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 10:20:25 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: Re: running opendos with win 95 Reply-to: grendel AT hoth DOT amu DOT edu DOT pl CC: In-reply-to: <> Once upon a time (on 29 Mar 97 at 15:48) yeep said: > > not* need DOS anymore... How do they call it? A lie? ;-)) > > No, they call it Vaporware!!!! > M$ can't lie, because they can't tell the truth! > They can only say what they think! > Though we refer to such statements as lies! Same with bugs in their software - there ain't no bugs, there are 'undocumented features'... Phew!! ================================================== Stand straight, look me in the eye and say goodbye Stand straight, we drifted past the point of reasons why. Yesterday starts tommorow, tommorow starts today And the problems seem to be we're picking up the pieces of a ricochet...