Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Alaric B. Williams" To: Scott Bolander Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 22:05:57 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: Re: [opendos] Why a Newsgroup? Reply-to: alaric AT abwillms DOT demon DOT co DOT uk CC: Dion Hopkins , Dino , OpenDOS In-reply-to: <> Message-ID: <> On 18 Mar 97 at 0:38, Scott Bolander wrote: > Also no one is "insulting you" for HAVING ideas, just the thoughtless > manner in which SOME choose to inundate us with them. If you truly have > some sort of divine inspiration about changing a byte in the systems > files that allows your keyboard to become "man-seed" absorbent (for all > those friendless, lonely nights) - DON'T DISCUSS IT ON THE GENERAL > MAILING LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take it to the developer's list > or to "alt.bestiality" or something. Now its past your curfew; go to > bed! You have a long day of programming ahead of you. ROFL! But seriously, I agree with your point. The question always is, what to do about it? Putting some notices in the FAQ about what and what not to say might help some. Seeing if the list server can send an introductory message to everyone who joins the list could help a /lot/. Perhaps if I made a monthly posting like the DJGPP list, with a few quick notes about where to find the FAQ and the going status of Caldera's source releases, and a paragraph that's a kind of list charter... Any opinions? ABW -- Alaric B. Williams (alaric AT abwillms DOT demon DOT co DOT uk) ---<## OpenDOS FAQ ##>--- Plain HTML: