To: opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Subject: Re: [opendos] [OpenDOS] Wishlist part 2 Message-ID: <> References: <26993 DOT 9702161614 AT orkney DOT dcs DOT st-andrews DOT ac DOT uk> From: chambersb AT juno DOT com (Benjamin D Chambers) Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 16:03:31 EST Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Precedence: bulk On Sun, 16 Feb 97 16:14:35 +0000 dg AT dcs DOT st-and DOT ac DOT uk writes: >Unfortunately, we can't use \ as DOS already uses that. We need >another >character that isn't used much... $, perhaps? Internal device names >tend to >have $ in the name, to prevent them being used by accident, so it >might make a >certain amount of sense. However, temporary files tend to use $: > > echo foo > %temp%\$tempzip.$$$ > >becomes > > echo foo > %temp%\$$tempzip.$$$$$$ > >Hmmm... I can think of several characters right of the top of my head to use - just try looking along the numbers at the top of your keyboard :) ie !,@,#,%,^,&,* I think the others are a bit more common, though. Personally, I like * best. ...Chambers > > >-- >------------------- >-------------------- > If you're up against someone more intelligent than you are, do >something > totally insane and let him think himself to death. --- Pyanfar >Chanur >---------------- Sun-Earther David Daton Given of Lochcarron >------------------ > > >