From: dg AT dcs DOT st-and DOT ac DOT uk Message-Id: <> To: opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Subject: Re: [opendos] OpenDOS is released! In-Reply-To:'s message of Mon, 03 Feb 97 20:08:03 -0800. Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Tue, 04 Feb 97 09:51:34 +0000 Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Precedence: bulk >ViewMAX is going to be a binary only distribution for some time. I've got >a bout 7 meg worth of GEM/3, GEM/XM, ViewMAX 2, ViewMAX 3 sources laying >around, and no time to work on it. After the first source bundle for >OpenDOS is out I'll get time to form a team to work on "OpenGEM"... Just as a matter of interest, you mentioned earlier that you might release the CP/M sources if you `discovered them'. How come they need discovering? What did Caldera actually *get*? Reading between the lines of your postings the source appears to be in a right state, and I sometimes get the impression that you received something on the lines of a heap of unlabelled 5.25" floppies, but I'm sure (== I hope) that's overexaggerating... [Note: please do *not* cc: replies to me if you're also sending to the list! I get enough mail as it is without getting things twice] -- ------------------- -------------------- If you're up against someone more intelligent than you are, do something totally insane and let him think himself to death. --- Pyanfar Chanur ---------------- Sun-Earther David Daton Given of Lochcarron ------------------