Message-Id: <> Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Mark Habersack" Organization: What? (Poznan, Poland) To: Gene Buckle Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 01:32:55 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: RE: [opendos] First impressions, Win95+GRUB (fwd) Reply-to: grendel AT ananke DOT amu DOT edu DOT pl CC: OpenDOS Mailing List In-reply-to: Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Precedence: bulk Once upon a time (on 3 Feb 97 at 10:08) Gene Buckle said: > There are several features in OpenDOS for dealing with multi-config > environments. Yes, but none of them is compatible with M$-DOG. If you want to have just one set of conf*.sys aut*.bat files, then you have to use a third party multi-config util - OpenDOS will refuse to load properly from the M$-DOG multi-part config.sys. Of course, you could use the CHAIN statement at the beginning of the M$-DOG multi-part config and load the OpenDOS one with SELECT statements. > First there is a dual boot loader program called LOADER (took ages to come > up with the name). It wasn't included with the OpenDOS release because it > hasn't been worked on for several years and does not work with some of the > larger disk partitions. When we have some cycles we'll get it sorted and > release it. GRUB works perfect. > When OpenDOS boots, it will first look for the file DCONFIG.SYS and if that > doesn't exist it will go on and look for CONFIG.SYS. The D stood for DRDOS > CONFIG file by the way (The DRDOS team were really good at coming up with > names ;-)). There is a CCONFIG.SYS for Concurrent DOS too. Ah! Didn't know that - that's the solution I was looking for! Thanks, so far I used the autocon package (from simtel in msdos/bootutl) > Win95, MS-DOS etc. will ignore this so you can put specific info for OpenDOS > in here. The most useful two commands being SHELL= and SET PATH=C:\ OPENDOS. > Here is my DCONFIG.SYS file on my dual boot Win95/OpenDOS Dell. Also you can freely use the SELECT statement in that file - neat! But there's a small problem with installers modifying the startup files - they will do their job only on the 'standard' ones. > There is no DAUTOEXEC.BAT if that's what your thinking, that would be two > easy? To determine if OpenDOS is running post CONFIG processing, the > environment variable OS is set to OPENDOS and VER is set to 7. The PATH set > in DCONFIG is carried over so set path to include previous definition i.e. > PATH=%PATH%;c:\newpath; And you can share the autoexec.bat between M$-DOG and OpenDOS by simply setting CONFIG in DCONFIG.SYS to the current configuration name, just as M$-DOG does in behind the scenes. Or even do 'goto %OS%' - if there's no OS set, it will do nothing and process the M$-DOG part, if OS is set - you move to the OD part. Neat(2)! > By the way, in the above configuration, with full NetWare client loaded and > CD-ROM driver/redirector I get a full 640K TPA. With the network unloaded I > get 720K. So far, I the best result I got was 622K... ;-( --------------------------------------------------------------------- Midnight sun bids moors farewell, retreats from charging dusk, Mountains echo, curfews bell, signal ending tasks. They place their faith in oaken doors, cover in candle light The panic seeps through bloodstained floors as Grendel stalks the night ---- ^^^^^^^ to meet DJGPP, AND to read about OpenDOS