Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 10:08:14 -0800 (PST) From: Gene Buckle To: opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Subject: RE: [opendos] First impressions, Win95+GRUB (fwd) Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: owner-opendos AT mail DOT tacoma DOT net Precedence: bulk >> Fm: Roger Gross Gene, Can post this back to the whole group? << >I saw a topic on booting DOS with GRUB. Here's how I managed to make >Win95 >live on the same partition OpenDOS does: > >1. Install Win95 as usual (or just leave it be ;-)) >2. Use some tool to grab the boot sector of the partition on which Win95 > lives and save it under, say, win95.bin >3. Install OpenDOS *over* Win95 (don't worry, it'll work) >4. Grab the bootsector again (as, e.g. opendos.bin) >5. Put the two *.bin files in the *root* directory of the partition you're > booting from >6. Modify menu.lst like this: > > timeout = 4 > > # For booting Windoze 95 > title= Windoze 95 > root= (0x80,0) > makeactive > chainloader= /win95.bin > > # For booting OpenDOS from a Windows 95/OpenDOS installation > title= Caldera OpenDOS 7.01 > root= (0x80,0) > makeactive > chainloader= /opendos.bin >7. Boot from previously prepared floppy and use the install command as >it was > described previously on this mailing list. > >The only problem is sharing startup files between the two systems. If you >don't use Win95 menus or any commands specific for it, you can share >the >files right away. If you do use the Windoze startup features, then it's >worse. I decided to use an external multiconfig utility to share the files >and simply set a variable in Win95 config.sys to differentiate between the >OSes. If anyone has a better method, please let me know. There are several features in OpenDOS for dealing with multi-config environments. First there is a dual boot loader program called LOADER (took ages to come up with the name). It wasn't included with the OpenDOS release because it hasn't been worked on for several years and does not work with some of the larger disk partitions. When we have some cycles we'll get it sorted and release it. When OpenDOS boots, it will first look for the file DCONFIG.SYS and if that doesn't exist it will go on and look for CONFIG.SYS. The D stood for DRDOS CONFIG file by the way (The DRDOS team were really good at coming up with names ;-)). There is a CCONFIG.SYS for Concurrent DOS too. Win95, MS-DOS etc. will ignore this so you can put specific info for OpenDOS in here. The most useful two commands being SHELL= and SET PATH=C:\ OPENDOS. Here is my DCONFIG.SYS file on my dual boot Win95/OpenDOS Dell. DEVICE=C:\OPENDOS\EMM386.EXE DPMI=ON FRAME=NONE /V DEVICE=C:\OPENDOS\DPMS.EXE DEVICE=C:\OPENDOS\SETVER.EXE SHELL=C:\OPENDOS\COMMAND.COM C:\OPENDOS /E:2048 /P DEVICEHIGH = C:\DELL\TEAC_CDI.SYS /D:TEAC-CDI BREAK=OFF BUFFERS=30 FILES=60 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=512 LASTDRIVE=Z HISTORY=ON,512,ON COUNTRY=44,,C:\OPENDOS\COUNTRY.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB set PATH=C:\OPENDOS There is no DAUTOEXEC.BAT if that's what your thinking, that would be two easy? To determine if OpenDOS is running post CONFIG processing, the environment variable OS is set to OPENDOS and VER is set to 7. The PATH set in DCONFIG is carried over so set path to include previous definition i.e. PATH=%PATH%;c:\newpath; Here is my Autoexec.bat: @ECHO Off PATH c:\progra~1\brief;%path%;C:\ rem * rem * These statements have been included for MS-DOS compatability. rem * If you do not want the MS-DOS Drivers to load during the boot rem * process, you can remark (REM) them out. rem ** SET MOUSE=C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.EXE /Q rem - By Windows Setup - C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.EXE /Q REM REM REM SET SOUND=C:\PROGRA~1\CREATIVE\CTSND SET MIDI=SYNTH:1 MAP:E MODE:0 rem c:\dell\dintro.bat REM Get rid of Code Page Crap. rem mode con codepage prepare=((850) c:\windows\COMMAND\ega.cpi) rem mode con codepage select=850 rem keyb uk,,c:\windows\COMMAND\keyboard.sys KEYB UK loadhigh doskey /insert NWCDEX /D:TEAC-CDI /D:ASPICD0 VERIFY OFF PROMPT [%OS%] $P$G if not "%OS%"=="OPENDOS" goto skipopendos SET OPENDOSCFG=C:\OPENDOS SHARE /L:20 %MOUSE% NWCACHE 7670 1024 /LEND=ON /DELAY=ON ?"Load Network Software (Y/N) ?"CALL C:\NWCLIENT\STARTNET.BAT :skipopendos subst t: c:\tools subst w: c:\tools\edc_vcs subst u: c:\archive set path=W:\;%PATH%; set USER=RGROSS set bpath=;c:\progra~1\brief\macros set bhelp=c:\progra~1\brief\help set bbackup=c:\progra~1\brief\backup set bflags=-i120k1l255u90 -mRG -Dega By the way, in the above configuration, with full NetWare client loaded and CD-ROM driver/redirector I get a full 640K TPA. With the network unloaded I get 720K. Roger Gross Director of Engineering Caldera, Inc.